import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.dataset as ds import pyarrow.parquet as pq from itertools import groupby, islice, chain import fire from collections import Counter import pandas as pd import os import datetime # compute term frequencies for comments in each subreddit by week def weekly_tf(partition): dataset = ds.dataset(f'/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_comments_by_subreddit.parquet/{partition}', format='parquet') batches = dataset.to_batches(columns=['CreatedAt','subreddit','body']) schema = pa.schema([pa.field('subreddit', pa.string(), nullable=False), pa.field('term', pa.string(), nullable=False), pa.field('week', pa.date32(), nullable=False), pa.field('tf', pa.int64(), nullable=False)] ) dfs = (b.to_pandas() for b in batches) def add_week(df): df['week'] = (df.CreatedAt - pd.to_timedelta(df.CreatedAt.dt.dayofweek, unit='d')) return(df) dfs = (add_week(df) for df in dfs) def iterate_rows(dfs): for df in dfs: for row in df.itertuples(): yield row rows = iterate_rows(dfs) subreddit_weeks = groupby(rows, lambda r: (r.subreddit, r.week)) def tf_comments(subreddit_weeks): for key, posts in subreddit_weeks: subreddit, week = key tfs = Counter([]) for post in posts: tfs.update(post.body.split()) for term, tf in tfs.items(): yield [subreddit, term, week, tf] outrows = tf_comments(subreddit_weeks) outchunksize = 10000 with pq.ParquetWriter("/gscratch/comdata/users/nathante/reddit_tfidf_test.parquet_temp/{partition}",schema=schema,compression='snappy',flavor='spark') as writer: while True: chunk = islice(outrows,outchunksize) pddf = pd.DataFrame(chunk, columns=schema.names) table = pa.Table.from_pandas(pddf,schema=schema) if table.shape[0] == 0: break writer.write_table(table) writer.close() def gen_task_list(): files = os.listdir("/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_comments_by_subreddit.parquet/") with open("tf_task_list",'w') as outfile: for f in files: if f.endswith(".parquet"): outfile.write(f"python3 weekly_tf {f}\n") if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire({"gen_task_list":gen_task_list, "weekly_tf":weekly_tf})