X-Git-Url: https://code.communitydata.science/cdsc_reddit.git/blobdiff_plain/772f3a8fbd54c9d2c5e0d10889c272f44fef127a..HEAD:/tfidf_comments.py diff --git a/tfidf_comments.py b/tfidf_comments.py deleted file mode 100644 index b3e5624..0000000 --- a/tfidf_comments.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -from pyspark.sql import functions as f -from pyspark.sql import SparkSession -from pyspark.sql import Window - -## TODO:need to exclude automoderator / bot posts. -## TODO:need to exclude better handle hyperlinks. - -spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() -df = spark.read.parquet("/gscratch/comdata/users/nathante/reddit_tfidf_test.parquet_temp") - -include_subs = set(open("/gscratch/comdata/users/nathante/cdsc-reddit/top_25000_subs_by_comments.txt")) -include_subs = {s.strip('\n') for s in include_subs} - -# aggregate counts by week. now subreddit-term is distinct -df = df.filter(df.subreddit.isin(include_subs)) -df = df.groupBy(['subreddit','term']).agg(f.sum('tf').alias('tf')) - -max_subreddit_terms = df.groupby(['subreddit']).max('tf') # subreddits are unique -max_subreddit_terms = max_subreddit_terms.withColumnRenamed('max(tf)','sr_max_tf') - -df = df.join(max_subreddit_terms, on='subreddit') - -df = df.withColumn("relative_tf", df.tf / df.sr_max_tf) - -# group by term. term is unique -idf = df.groupby(['term']).count() - -N_docs = df.select('subreddit').distinct().count() - -idf = idf.withColumn('idf',f.log(N_docs/f.col('count'))) - -# collect the dictionary to make a pydict of terms to indexes -terms = idf.select('term').distinct() # terms are distinct -terms = terms.withColumn('term_id',f.row_number().over(Window.orderBy("term"))) # term ids are distinct - -# make subreddit ids -subreddits = df.select(['subreddit']).distinct() -subreddits = subreddits.withColumn('subreddit_id',f.row_number().over(Window.orderBy("subreddit"))) - -df = df.join(subreddits,on='subreddit') - -# map terms to indexes in the tfs and the idfs -df = df.join(terms,on='term') # subreddit-term-id is unique - -idf = idf.join(terms,on='term') - -# join on subreddit/term to create tf/dfs indexed by term -df = df.join(idf, on=['term_id','term']) - -# agg terms by subreddit to make sparse tf/df vectors -df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", (0.5 + (0.5 * df.relative_tf) * df.idf)) - -df.write.parquet('/gscratch/comdata/users/nathante/subreddit_tfidf.parquet',mode='overwrite',compression='snappy')