X-Git-Url: https://code.communitydata.science/cdsc_tex.git/blobdiff_plain/b30e702ef1d568dcc01516357116d9238b118d20..34433f5b82511aef4da29f1a771a89a53cdfe645:/paper_template/Makefile

diff --git a/paper_template/Makefile b/paper_template/Makefile
index b219b72..0bca574 100644
--- a/paper_template/Makefile
+++ b/paper_template/Makefile
@@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
 all: $(patsubst %.tex,%.pdf,$(wildcard *.tex)) 
-pdf: all
-%.pdf: %.tex
-	perl -p -e 's/©//' refs.bib > refs-cleaned.bib
-	recode -d u8..ltex < refs-cleaned.bib > refs-processed.bib
-	rubber -fd $<
+# use the following section for Rnw/knitr documents
+# all: $(patsubst %.Rnw,%.pdf,$(wildcard *.Rnw))
+# %.tex: %.Rnw
+#	Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('$<')"
+%.pdf: %.tex 
+	latexmk -f -pdf $<
-	rubber -d --clean *.tex
-	rm -f *.tmp
+	latexmk -C *.tex
+	rm -f *.tmp *.run.xml
 	rm -f vc
-	rm -f refs-cleaned.bib
-	rm -f refs-processed.bib
+	rm -f *.bbl
+	# the following lines are useful for Rnw/knitr
+	# rm -rf cache/ figure/
+	# rm -f *.tex
 viewpdf: all
 	evince *.pdf
-	aspell -c -t --tex-check-comments -b text.tex
+vc:	resources/vc-git
-	vc-git
+pdf: all
 .PHONY: clean all
+# .PRECIOUS: %.tex