## load in the data ################################# case.sessions <- 15 myuw <- read.csv("myuw-COM_482_A_autumn_2020_students.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ## class-level variables question.grades <- c("GOOD"=100, "FAIR"=100-(50/3.3), "BAD"=100-(50/(3.3)*2)) missed.question.penalty <- (50/3.3) * 0.2 ## 1/5 of a full point on the GPA scale source("../assessment_and_tracking/track_participation.R") setwd("case_grades") rownames(d) <- d$discord.name ## show the distribution of assessments table(call.list.full$assessment) prop.table(table(call.list.full$assessment)) table(call.list.full$answered) prop.table(table(call.list.full$answered)) total.questions.asked <- nrow(call.list.full) ## create new column with number of questions present d$prop.asked <- d$num.calls / d$num.present ## generate statistics using these new variables prop.asks.quantiles <- quantile(d$prop.asked, probs=seq(0,1, 0.01)) prop.asks.quantiles <- prop.asks.quantiles[!duplicated(prop.asks.quantiles)] ## this is generating broken stuff but it's not used for anything d$prop.asked.quant <- cut(d$prop.asked, breaks=prop.asks.quantiles, labels=names(prop.asks.quantiles)[1:(length(prop.asks.quantiles)-1)]) ## generate grades ########################################################## d$part.grade <- NA ## print the median number of questions for (a) everybody and (b) ## people that have been present 75% of the time median(d$num.calls[d$days.absent < 0.25*case.sessions]) median(d$num.calls) questions.cutoff <- median(d$num.calls) ## helper function to generate average grade minus number of missing gen.part.grade <- function (x.discord.name) { q.scores <- question.grades[call.list$assessment[call.list$discord.name == x.discord.name]] base.score <- mean(q.scores, na.rm=TRUE) ## number of missing days missing.days <- nrow(missing.in.class[missing.in.class$discord.name == x.discord.name,]) ## return the final score data.frame(discord.name=x.discord.name, part.grade=(base.score - missing.days * missed.question.penalty)) } tmp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(d$discord.name[d$num.calls >= questions.cutoff], gen.part.grade)) d[as.character(tmp$discord.name), "part.grade"] <- tmp$part.grade ## next handle the folks *under* the median ## first we handle the zeros ## step 1: first double check the people who have zeros and ensure that they didn't "just" get unlucky" d[d$num.calls == 0,] ## set those people to 0 :( d$part.grade[d$num.calls == 0] <- 0 ## step 2 is to handle folks who got unlucky in the normal way tmp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(d$discord.name[is.na(d$part.grade) & d$prop.asked <= median(d$prop.asked)], gen.part.grade)) d[as.character(tmp$discord.name), "part.grade"] <- tmp$part.grade ## the people who are left are lucky and still undercounted so we'll penalize them d[is.na(d$part.grade),] penalized.discord.names <- d$discord.name[is.na(d$part.grade)] ## generate the baseline participation grades as per the process above tmp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(penalized.discord.names, gen.part.grade)) d[as.character(tmp$discord.name), "part.grade"] <- tmp$part.grade ## now add "zeros" for every questions that is below the normal d[as.character(penalized.discord.names),"part.grade"] <- (( (questions.cutoff - d[as.character(penalized.discord.names),"num.calls"] * 0) + (d[as.character(penalized.discord.names),"num.calls"] * d[as.character(penalized.discord.names),"part.grade"]) ) / questions.cutoff) d[as.character(penalized.discord.names),] ## map part grades back to 4.0 letter scale and points d$part.4point <-round((d$part.grade / (50/3.3)) - 2.6, 2) d[sort.list(d$prop.asked), c("discord.name", "num.calls", "num.present", "prop.asked", "prop.asked.quant", "part.grade", "part.4point", "days.absent")] d[sort.list(d$part.4point), c("discord.name", "num.calls", "num.present", "prop.asked", "prop.asked.quant", "part.grade", "part.4point", "days.absent")] ## writing out data quantile(d$num.calls, probs=(0:100*0.01)) d.print <- merge(d, myuw[,c("StudentNo", "FirstName", "LastName", "UWNetID")], by.x="student.num", by.y="StudentNo") write.csv(d.print, file="final_participation_grades.csv") library(rmarkdown) for (x.discord.name in d$discord.name) { render(input="../../assessment_and_tracking/student_report_template.Rmd", output_format="html_document", output_file=paste("../data/case_grades/student_reports/", d.print$UWNetID[d.print$discord.name == x.discord.name], sep="")) }