**Student Name:** `r paste(d.print[d.print$discord.name == x.discord.name, c("FirstName", "LastName")])` **Discord Name:** `r d.print[d.print$discord.name == x.discord.name, c("discord.name")]` **Participation grade:** `r d.print$part.4point[d.print$discord.name == x.discord.name]` **Questions asked:** `r d.print[d$discord.name == x.discord.name, "prev.questions"]` **Days Absent:** `r d.print[d.print$discord.name == x.discord.name, "days.absent"]` / `r case.sessions` **List of questions:** ```{r echo=FALSE} call.list[call.list$discord.name == x.discord.name,] ``` **Luckiness:** `r d.print[d.print$discord.name == x.discord.name, "prop.asked.quant"]` If you a student has a luckiness over 50% that means that they were helped by the weighting of the system and/or got lucky. We did not penalize *any* students with a luckiness under 50% for absences.