X-Git-Url: https://code.communitydata.science/mediawiki_dump_tools.git/blobdiff_plain/d77b0a4965e59a3e5f84956b27dad58d98110c06..414cc5ff2d86c007b1a00c829c779627ea3b18d7:/wikiq

diff --git a/wikiq b/wikiq
index 9260f35..6a1ada5 100755
--- a/wikiq
+++ b/wikiq
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # original wikiq headers are: title articleid revid date_time anon
 # editor editor_id minor text_size text_entropy text_md5 reversion
 # additions_size deletions_size
-import pdb
 import argparse
 import sys
 import os, os.path
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 from collections import deque
 from hashlib import sha1
-from mw.xml_dump import Iterator
+from mwxml import Dump
 from deltas.tokenizers import wikitext_split
 import mwpersistence
@@ -22,22 +22,82 @@ from urllib.parse import quote
 TO_ENCODE = ('title', 'editor')
 from deltas import SequenceMatcher
+from deltas import SegmentMatcher
+class PersistMethod:
+    none = 0
+    sequence = 1
+    segment = 2
+    legacy = 3
 def calculate_persistence(tokens_added):
     return(sum([(len(x.revisions)-1) for x in tokens_added]),
+def matchmake(scanned_content, rev_data, regex, label):
+    p = re.compile(regex)
+    temp_dict = {}
+    # if there are named capture groups in the regex
+    if bool(p.groupindex):
+        capture_groups = list(p.groupindex.keys())
+        # initialize the {capture_group_name:list} for each capture group
+        for cap_group in capture_groups:
+            temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = []
+        # if there are matches of some sort in this revision content, fill the lists for each cap_group
+        if p.search(scanned_content) is not None:
+            m = re.finditer(p,scanned_content)
+            matchobjects = list(m)
+            for cap_group in capture_groups:
+                temp_list = []
+                for match in matchobjects:
+                    # we only want to add the match for the capture group if the match is not None
+                    if match.group(cap_group) != None:
+                        temp_list.append(match.group(cap_group))
+                # if temp_list of matches is empty just make that column None
+                if len(temp_list)==0:
+                    temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = None
+                # else we put in the list we made in the for-loop above
+                else:
+                    temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = ', '.join(temp_list)
+        # there are no matches at all in this revision content, we default values to None
+        else:
+            for cap_group in capture_groups:
+                temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = None
+    # there are no capture groups, we just search for all the matches of the regex
+    else:
+        #given that there are matches to be made
+        if p.search(scanned_content) is not None:
+            m = p.findall(scanned_content)
+            temp_dict[label] = ', '.join(m)
+        else:
+            temp_dict[label] = None    
+    # update rev_data with our new columns
+    rev_data.update(temp_dict)
+#    print(rev_data.keys())
+    return rev_data
 class WikiqIterator():
     def __init__(self, fh, collapse_user=False):
         self.fh = fh
         self.collapse_user = collapse_user
-        self.mwiterator = Iterator.from_file(self.fh)
+        self.mwiterator = Dump.from_file(self.fh)
+        self.namespace_map = { ns.id : ns.name for ns in
+                               self.mwiterator.site_info.namespaces }
         self.__pages = self.load_pages()
     def load_pages(self):
         for page in self.mwiterator:
-            yield WikiqPage(page, collapse_user=self.collapse_user)
+            yield WikiqPage(page,
+                            namespace_map = self.namespace_map,
+                            collapse_user=self.collapse_user)
     def __iter__(self):
         return self.__pages
@@ -50,13 +110,19 @@ class WikiqPage():
                  'restrictions', 'mwpage', '__revisions',
-    def __init__(self, page, collapse_user=False):
+    def __init__(self, page, namespace_map, collapse_user=False):
         self.id = page.id
-        self.title = page.title
         self.namespace = page.namespace
-        self.redirect = page.redirect
+        # following mwxml, we assume namespace 0 in cases where
+        # page.namespace is inconsistent with namespace_map
+        if page.namespace not in namespace_map:
+            self.title = page.title
+            page.namespace = 0
+        if page.namespace != 0:
+            self.title = ':'.join([namespace_map[page.namespace], page.title])
+        else:
+            self.title = page.title
         self.restrictions = page.restrictions
         self.collapse_user = collapse_user
         self.mwpage = page
         self.__revisions = self.rev_list()
@@ -80,7 +146,14 @@ class WikiqPage():
                 if self.collapse_user:
                     # yield if this is the last edit in a seq by a user and reset
-                    if not rev.contributor.user_text == prev_rev.contributor.user_text:
+                    # also yield if we do know who the user is
+                    if rev.deleted.user or prev_rev.deleted.user:
+                        yield prev_rev
+                        collapsed_revs = 1
+                        rev.collapsed_revs = collapsed_revs
+                    elif not rev.user.text == prev_rev.user.text:
                         yield prev_rev
                         collapsed_revs = 1
                         rev.collapsed_revs = collapsed_revs
@@ -93,6 +166,7 @@ class WikiqPage():
                     yield prev_rev
             prev_rev = rev
         # also yield the final time
         yield prev_rev
@@ -103,19 +177,30 @@ class WikiqPage():
         return next(self.__revisions)
 class WikiqParser():
+    def __init__(self, input_file, output_file, regex_match_revision, regex_match_comment, regex_revision_label, regex_comment_label, collapse_user=False, persist=None, urlencode=False, namespaces = None, revert_radius=15):
+        """ 
+        Parameters:
+           persist : what persistence method to use. Takes a PersistMethod value
+        """
-    def __init__(self, input_file, output_file, collapse_user=False, persist=False, urlencode=False, persist_legacy=False):
         self.input_file = input_file
         self.output_file = output_file
         self.collapse_user = collapse_user
         self.persist = persist
-        self.persist_legacy = persist_legacy
         self.printed_header = False
         self.namespaces = []
         self.urlencode = urlencode
+        self.revert_radius = revert_radius
+        self.regex_match_revision = regex_match_revision
+        self.regex_revision_label = regex_revision_label
+        self.regex_match_comment = regex_match_comment
+        self.regex_comment_label = regex_comment_label
+        if namespaces is not None:
+            self.namespace_filter = set(namespaces)
+        else:
+            self.namespace_filter = None
     def __get_namespace_from_title(self, title):
         default_ns = None
@@ -131,6 +216,7 @@ class WikiqParser():
         # if we've made it this far with no matches, we return the default namespace
         return default_ns
     def process(self):
         # create a regex that creates the output filename
@@ -142,7 +228,7 @@ class WikiqParser():
         dump = WikiqIterator(self.input_file, collapse_user=self.collapse_user)
         # extract list of namspaces
-        self.namespaces = {ns.name : ns.id for ns in dump.mwiterator.namespaces}
+        self.namespaces = {ns.name : ns.id for ns in dump.mwiterator.site_info.namespaces}
         page_count = 0
         rev_count = 0
@@ -150,49 +236,106 @@ class WikiqParser():
         # Iterate through pages
         for page in dump:
-            rev_detector = mwreverts.Detector()
+            namespace = page.namespace if page.namespace is not None else self.__get_namespace_from_title(page.title)
+            # skip namespaces not in the filter
+            if self.namespace_filter is not None:
+                if namespace not in self.namespace_filter:
+                    continue
+#            print(self.revert_radius)
+            rev_detector = mwreverts.Detector(radius = self.revert_radius)
-            if self.persist or self.persist_legacy:
+            if self.persist != PersistMethod.none:
                 window = deque(maxlen=PERSISTENCE_RADIUS)
-                if not self.persist_legacy:
+                if self.persist == PersistMethod.sequence:
                     state = mwpersistence.DiffState(SequenceMatcher(tokenizer = wikitext_split),
+                elif self.persist == PersistMethod.segment:
+                    state = mwpersistence.DiffState(SegmentMatcher(tokenizer = wikitext_split),
+                                                    revert_radius=PERSISTENCE_RADIUS)
+                # self.persist == PersistMethod.legacy
                     from mw.lib import persistence
                     state = persistence.State()
             # Iterate through a page's revisions
             for rev in page:
+                # initialize rev_data
+                rev_data = {}
-                rev_data = {'revid' : rev.id,
-                            'date_time' : rev.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
-                            'articleid' : page.id,
-                            'editor_id' : "" if rev.contributor.id == None else rev.contributor.id,
-                            'title' : '"' + page.title + '"',
-                            'namespace' : page.namespace if page.namespace else self.__get_namespace_from_title(page.title),
-                            'deleted' : "TRUE" if rev.text.deleted else "FALSE" } 
+                # if the command line args only gave a label (and no regular expression is given)
+                if (self.regex_revision_label != None and self.regex_match_revision == None) or (self.regex_comment_label != None and self.regex_match_comment == None):
+                    sys.exit('The given regex label(s) has no corresponding regex to search for.')
+                # if there's anything in the list of regex_match_revision
+                if self.regex_match_revision is not None:
+                    if (self.regex_revision_label == None) or (len(self.regex_match_revision) != len(self.regex_revision_label)):
+                        sys.exit('Each regular expression *must* come with a corresponding label and vice versa.')
+                    # initialize and construct the list of regex-label tuples
+                    pairs = []
+                    for i in range(0,len(self.regex_match_revision)):
+                        pairs.append((self.regex_match_revision[i], self.regex_revision_label[i]))
+                    # for each regex/label pair, we now run matchmake to check and output columns
+                    for pair in pairs:
+                        # pair[0] corresponds to the regex, pair[1] to the label
+                        rev_data = matchmake(rev.text, rev_data, pair[0], pair[1])
+                # if there's anything in the list of regex_match_comment
+                if self.regex_match_comment is not None:
+                    if (self.regex_comment_label == None) or (len(self.regex_match_comment) != len(self.regex_comment_label)):
+                        sys.exit('Each regular expression *must* come with a corresponding label and vice versa.')
+                    # initialize and construct the list of regex-label tuples
+                    pairs = []
+                    for i in range(0,len(self.regex_match_comment)):
+                        pairs.append((self.regex_match_comment[i], self.regex_comment_label[i]))
+                    # for each regex/label pair, we now run matchmake to check and output columns
+                    for pair in pairs:
+                        # pair[0] corresponds to the regex, pair[1] to the label
+                        rev_data = matchmake(rev.comment, rev_data, pair[0], pair[1])
+                # we fill out the rest of the data structure now
+                rev_data['revid'] = rev.id
+                rev_data['date_time'] = rev.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+                rev_data['articleid'] = page.id
+                rev_data['editor_id'] = "" if rev.deleted.user == True or rev.user.id is None else rev.user.id
+                rev_data['title'] = '"' + page.title + '"'
+                rev_data['namespace'] = namespace
+                rev_data['deleted'] = "TRUE" if rev.deleted.text else "FALSE"
                 # if revisions are deleted, /many/ things will be missing
-                if rev.text.deleted:
+                if rev.deleted.text:
                     rev_data['text_chars'] = ""
                     rev_data['sha1'] = ""
                     rev_data['revert'] = ""
                     rev_data['reverteds'] = ""
+                    # rev.text can be None if the page has no text
+                    if not rev.text:
+                        rev.text = ""
                     # if text exists, we'll check for a sha1 and generate one otherwise
                     if rev.sha1:
                         text_sha1 = rev.sha1
                         text_sha1 = sha1(bytes(rev.text, "utf8")).hexdigest()
                     rev_data['sha1'] = text_sha1
                     # TODO rev.bytes doesn't work.. looks like a bug
                     rev_data['text_chars'] = len(rev.text)
                     # generate revert data
                     revert = rev_detector.process(text_sha1, rev.id)
@@ -206,10 +349,10 @@ class WikiqParser():
                 # if the fact that the edit was minor can be hidden, this might be an issue
                 rev_data['minor'] = "TRUE" if rev.minor else "FALSE"
-                if rev.contributor.user_text:
+                if not rev.deleted.user:
                     # wrap user-defined editors in quotes for fread
-                    rev_data['editor'] = '"' + rev.contributor.user_text + '"'
-                    rev_data['anon'] = "TRUE" if rev.contributor.id == None else "FALSE"
+                    rev_data['editor'] = '"' + rev.user.text + '"'
+                    rev_data['anon'] = "TRUE" if rev.user.id == None else "FALSE"
                     rev_data['anon'] = ""
@@ -226,17 +369,17 @@ class WikiqParser():
                 if self.collapse_user:
                     rev_data['collapsed_revs'] = rev.collapsed_revs
-                if self.persist or self.persist_legacy:
-                    if rev.text.deleted:
+                if self.persist != PersistMethod.none:
+                    if rev.deleted.text:
                         for k in ["token_revs", "tokens_added", "tokens_removed", "tokens_window"]:
                             old_rev_data[k] = None
-                        if not self.persist_legacy:
+                        if self.persist != PersistMethod.legacy:
                             _, tokens_added, tokens_removed = state.update(rev.text, rev.id)
-                            _, tokens_added, tokens_removed = state.process(rev.text, rev.id,text_sha1)
+                            _, tokens_added, tokens_removed = state.process(rev.text, rev.id, text_sha1)
                         window.append((rev.id, rev_data, tokens_added, tokens_removed))
@@ -257,7 +400,7 @@ class WikiqParser():
                 rev_count += 1
-            if self.persist or self.persist_legacy:
+            if self.persist != PersistMethod.none:
                 # print out metadata for the last RADIUS revisions
                 for i, item in enumerate(window):
                     # if the window was full, we've already printed item 0
@@ -284,7 +427,7 @@ class WikiqParser():
         if self.urlencode:
             for field in TO_ENCODE:
                 rev_data[field] = quote(str(rev_data[field]))
         if not self.printed_header:
             print("\t".join([str(k) for k in sorted(rev_data.keys())]), file=self.output_file)
             self.printed_header = True
@@ -331,17 +474,53 @@ parser.add_argument('-s', '--stdout', dest="stdout", action="store_true",
 parser.add_argument('--collapse-user', dest="collapse_user", action="store_true",
                     help="Operate only on the final revision made by user a user within all sequences of consecutive edits made by a user. This can be useful for addressing issues with text persistence measures.")
-parser.add_argument('-p', '--persistence', dest="persist", action="store_true",
-                    help="Compute and report measures of content persistent: (1) persistent token revisions, (2) tokens added, and (3) number of revision used in computing the first measure.")
+parser.add_argument('-p', '--persistence', dest="persist", default=None, const='', type=str, choices = ['','segment','sequence','legacy'], nargs='?',
+                    help="Compute and report measures of content persistent: (1) persistent token revisions, (2) tokens added, and (3) number of revision used in computing the first measure. This may by slow.  The defualt is -p=sequence, which uses the same algorithm as in the past, but with improvements to wikitext parsing. Use -p=legacy for old behavior used in older research projects. Use -p=segment for advanced persistence calculation method that is robust to content moves, but prone to bugs, and slower.")
 parser.add_argument('-u', '--url-encode', dest="urlencode", action="store_true",
                     help="Output url encoded text strings. This works around some data issues like newlines in editor names. In the future it may be used to output other text data.")
-parser.add_argument('--persistence-legacy', dest="persist_legacy", action="store_true",
-                    help="Legacy behavior for persistence calculation. Output url encoded text strings. This works around some data issues like newlines in editor names. In the future it may be used to output other text data.")
+parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace-include', dest="namespace_filter", type=int, action='append',
+                    help="Id number of namspace to include. Can be specified more than once.")
+                    '--revert-radius',
+                    dest="revert_radius",
+                    type=int,
+                    action='store',
+                    default=15,
+                    help="Number of edits to check when looking for reverts (default: 15)")
+parser.add_argument('-RP', '--revision-pattern', dest="regex_match_revision", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+                    help="The regular expression to search for in revision text. The regex must be surrounded by quotes.")
+parser.add_argument('-RPl', '--revision-pattern-label', dest="regex_revision_label", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+                    help="The label for the outputted column based on matching the regex in revision text.")
+parser.add_argument('-CP', '--comment-pattern', dest="regex_match_comment", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+                    help="The regular expression to search for in comments of revisions.")
+parser.add_argument('-CPl', '--comment-pattern-label', dest="regex_comment_label", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+                    help="The label for the outputted column based on matching the regex in comments.")
 args = parser.parse_args()
+# set persistence method
+if args.persist is None:
+    persist = PersistMethod.none
+elif args.persist == "segment":
+    persist = PersistMethod.segment
+elif args.persist == "legacy":
+    persist = PersistMethod.legacy
+    persist = PersistMethod.sequence
+if args.namespace_filter is not None:
+    namespaces = args.namespace_filter
+    namespaces = None
 if len(args.dumpfiles) > 0:
     for filename in args.dumpfiles:
         input_file = open_input_file(filename)
@@ -360,12 +539,17 @@ if len(args.dumpfiles) > 0:
             filename = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(filename))
             output_file = open_output_file(filename)
-        wikiq = WikiqParser(input_file, output_file, 
+        wikiq = WikiqParser(input_file,
+                            output_file,
-                            persist=args.persist,
-                            persist_legacy=args.persist_legacy,
-                            urlencode=args.urlencode)
+                            persist=persist,
+                            urlencode=args.urlencode,
+                            namespaces=namespaces,
+                            revert_radius=args.revert_radius,
+                            regex_match_revision = args.regex_match_revision,
+                            regex_revision_label = args.regex_revision_label,
+                            regex_match_comment = args.regex_match_comment,
+                            regex_comment_label = args.regex_comment_label)
@@ -373,12 +557,20 @@ if len(args.dumpfiles) > 0:
-    wikiq = WikiqParser(sys.stdin, sys.stdout,
+    wikiq = WikiqParser(sys.stdin,
+                        sys.stdout,
-                        persist=args.persist,
-                        persist_legacy=args.persist_legacy,
-                        urlencode=args.urlencode)
-    wikiq.process()
+                        persist=persist,
+                        #persist_legacy=args.persist_legacy,
+                        urlencode=args.urlencode,
+                        namespaces=namespaces,
+                        revert_radius=args.revert_radius,
+                        regex_match_revision = args.regex_match_revision,
+                        regex_revision_label = args.regex_revision_label,
+                        regex_match_comment = args.regex_match_comment,
+                        regex_comment_label = args.regex_comment_label)
+    wikiq.process() 
 # stop_words = "a,able,about,across,after,all,almost,also,am,among,an,and,any,are,as,at,be,because,been,but,by,can,cannot,could,dear,did,do,does,either,else,ever,every,for,from,get,got,had,has,have,he,her,hers,him,his,how,however,i,if,in,into,is,it,its,just,least,let,like,likely,may,me,might,most,must,my,neither,no,nor,not,of,off,often,on,only,or,other,our,own,rather,said,say,says,she,should,since,so,some,than,that,the,their,them,then,there,these,they,this,tis,to,too,twas,us,wants,was,we,were,what,when,where,which,while,who,whom,why,will,with,would,yet,you,your"
 # stop_words = stop_words.split(",")