library(data.table) library(MASS) set.seed(1111) scores <- fread("perspective_scores.csv") scores <- scores[,id:=as.character(id)] df <- fread("all_data.csv") # only use the data that has identity annotations df <- df[identity_annotator_count > 0] (df[!(df$id %in% scores$id)]) df <- df[scores,on='id',nomatch=NULL] df[, ":="(identity_attack_pred = identity_attack_prob >=0.5, insult_pred = insult_prob >= 0.5, profanity_pred = profanity_prob >= 0.5, severe_toxicity_pred = severe_toxicity_prob >= 0.5, threat_pred = threat_prob >= 0.5, toxicity_pred = toxicity_prob >= 0.5, identity_attack_coded = identity_attack >= 0.5, insult_coded = insult >= 0.5, profanity_coded = obscene >= 0.5, severe_toxicity_coded = severe_toxicity >= 0.5, threat_coded = threat >= 0.5, toxicity_coded = toxicity >= 0.5 )] gt.0.5 <- function(v) { v >= 0.5 } dt.apply.any <- function(fun, ...){apply(apply(cbind(...), 2, fun),1,any)} df <- df[,":="(gender_disclosed = dt.apply.any(gt.0.5, male, female, transgender, other_gender), sexuality_disclosed = dt.apply.any(gt.0.5, heterosexual, bisexual, other_sexual_orientation), religion_disclosed = dt.apply.any(gt.0.5, christian, jewish, hindu, buddhist, atheist, muslim, other_religion), race_disclosed = dt.apply.any(gt.0.5, white, black, asian, latino, other_race_or_ethnicity), disability_disclosed = dt.apply.any(gt.0.5,physical_disability, intellectual_or_learning_disability, psychiatric_or_mental_illness, other_disability))] df <- df[,white:=gt.0.5(white)]