import logging from ..util import api from .collections import (DeletedRevisions, Pages, RecentChanges, Revisions, SiteInfo, UserContribs, Users) from .errors import APIError, AuthenticationError, MalformedResponse logger = logging.getLogger("mw.api.session") DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = "MediaWiki-Utilities" """ The default User-Agent to be sent with requests to the API. """ class Session(api.Session): """ Represents a connection to a MediaWiki API. Cookies and other session information is preserved. :Parameters: uri : str The base URI for the API to use. Usually ends in "api.php" user_agent : str The User-Agent to be sent with requests. Will raise a warning if left to default value. """ def __init__(self, uri, *args, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, **kwargs): """ Constructs a new :class:`Session`. """ if user_agent == DEFAULT_USER_AGENT: logger.warning("Sending requests with default User-Agent. " + "Set 'user_agent' on api.Session to quiet this " + "message.") if 'headers' in kwargs: kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = str(user_agent) else: kwargs['headers'] = {'User-Agent': str(user_agent)} super().__init__(uri, *args, **kwargs) self.pages = Pages(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.Pages`. """ self.revisions = Revisions(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.Revisions`. """ self.recent_changes = RecentChanges(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.RecentChanges`. """ self.site_info = SiteInfo(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.SiteInfo`. """ self.user_contribs = UserContribs(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.UserContribs`. """ self.users = Users(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.Users`. """ self.deleted_revisions = DeletedRevisions(self) """ An instance of :class:`mw.api.DeletedRevisions`. """ def login(self, username, password, token=None): """ Performs a login operation. This method usually makes two requests to API -- one to get a token and one to use the token to log in. If authentication fails, this method will throw an :class:`.errors.AuthenticationError`. :Parameters: username : str Your username password : str Your password :Returns: The response in a json :py:class:`dict` """ doc = { 'action': "login", 'lgname': username, 'lgpassword': password, 'lgtoken': token, # If None, we'll be getting a token } ) try: if doc['login']['result'] == "Success": return doc elif doc['login']['result'] == "NeedToken": if token is not None: # Woops. We've been here before. Better error out. raise AuthenticationError(doc) else: token = doc['login']['token'] return self.login(username, password, token=token) else: raise AuthenticationError(doc) except KeyError as e: raise MalformedResponse(e.message, doc) def request(self, type, params, **kwargs): params.update({'format': "json"}) doc = super().request(type, params, **kwargs).json() if 'error' in doc: raise APIError(doc) return doc