import logging import time from ...types import Timestamp from ...util import none_or from .collection import Collection logger = logging.getLogger("mw.database.collections.pages") class RecentChanges(Collection): # ( TYPES = { 'edit': 0, # edit of existing page 'new': 1, # new page 'move': 2, # Marked as obsolete 'log': 3, # log action (introduced in MediaWiki 1.2) 'move_over_redirect': 4, # Marked as obsolete 'external': 5 # An external recent change. Primarily used by Wikidata } def listen(self, last=None, types=None, max_wait=5): """ Listens to the recent changes table. Given no parameters, this function will return an iterator over the entire recentchanges table and then continue to "listen" for new changes to come in every 5 seconds. :Parameters: last : dict a recentchanges row to pick up after types : set ( str ) a set of recentchanges types to filter for max_wait : float the maximum number of seconds to wait between repeated queries :Returns: A never-ending iterator over change rows. """ while True: if last is not None: after = last['rc_timestamp'] after_id = last['rc_id'] else: after = None after_id = None start = time.time() rcs = self.query(after=after, after_id=after_id, direction="newer") count = 0 for rc in rcs: yield rc count += 1 time.sleep(max_wait - (time.time() - start)) def query(self, before=None, after=None, before_id=None, after_id=None, types=None, direction=None, limit=None): """ Queries the ``recentchanges`` table. See ``_ :Parameters: before : :class:`mw.Timestamp` The maximum timestamp after : :class:`mw.Timestamp` The minimum timestamp before_id : int The minimum ``rc_id`` after_id : int The maximum ``rc_id`` types : set ( str ) Which types of changes to return? * ``edit`` -- Edits to existing pages * ``new`` -- Edits that create new pages * ``move`` -- (obsolete) * ``log`` -- Log actions (introduced in MediaWiki 1.2) * ``move_over_redirect`` -- (obsolete) * ``external`` -- An external recent change. Primarily used by Wikidata direction : str "older" or "newer" limit : int limit the number of records returned """ before = none_or(before, Timestamp) after = none_or(after, Timestamp) before_id = none_or(before_id, int) after_id = none_or(after_id, int) types = none_or(types, levels=self.TYPES) direction = none_or(direction, levels=self.DIRECTIONS) limit = none_or(limit, int) query = """ SELECT * FROM recentchanges WHERE 1 """ values = [] if before is not None: query += " AND rc_timestamp < %s " values.append(before.short_format()) if after is not None: query += " AND rc_timestamp < %s " values.append(after.short_format()) if before_id is not None: query += " AND rc_id < %s " values.append(before_id) if after_id is not None: query += " AND rc_id < %s " values.append(after_id) if types is not None: query += " AND rc_type IN ({0}) ".format( ",".join(self.TYPES[t] for t in types) ) if direction is not None: direction = ("ASC " if direction == "newer" else "DESC ") query += " ORDER BY rc_timestamp {0}, rc_id {0}".format(dir) if limit is not None: query += " LIMIT %s " values.append(limit) cursor.execute(query, values) for row in cursor: yield row