# Functions for creating samples of datasets # Copyright (C) 2018 Nathan TeBlunthuis # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . sample.by.wiki <- function(dt,outcome,N.per.wiki=30){ set.seed(0) sample.params <- dt[,.N,by=wiki.name] sample.params[,group.sd := dt[,.(group.sd=sd(.SD[[outcome]])),by=wiki.name]$group.sd] sample.params[,p.in.group := N / nrow(dt)] sample.params[,min.N := min(N)] sample.params[,n.from.group := pmin(min.N/(1-group.sd), N)] sample.params[,p.sampled := n.from.group/N] sample.params[,weight := 1/p.sampled] dt[sample.params,":="(prob=p.sampled,weight=weight),on=.(wiki.name)] sample.idx <- sample(nrow(dt),size=sum(sample.params$n.from.group,na.rm=TRUE),prob=dt$prob) return(dt[sample.idx]) } sample.newcomers <- function() { wikis.to.remove <- newcomers[,.N,by="wiki.name"][N<30]$wiki.name remember(nrow(wikis.to.remove),"n.wikis.insufficient.newcomers") newcomers.presample <- newcomers[!(wiki.name %in% wikis.to.remove)] newcomers.sample <- sample.by.wiki(newcomers.presample,"survives") return(newcomers.sample) } sample.ns4.edits <- function(){ wikis.to.keep <- ns4.reg.edits[,.(.N,N.reverts=sum(reverted)),by=wiki.name][(N>30)&(N.reverts > 30)] ns4.reg.edits.sub <- ns4.reg.edits[wiki.name %in% wikis.to.keep$wiki.name] ns4.reg.edits.sample <- sample.by.wiki(ns4.reg.edits.sub,"reverted") return(ns4.reg.edits.sample) } sample.wiki.data <- function(){ ## just choose 100 random wikis wikis.to.keep <- sample(unique(wiki.data$wiki.name),100) wiki.data.sample <- wiki.data[wiki.name %in% wikis.to.keep] return(wiki.data.sample) }