import requests from datetime import datetime from scopus_api import key as API_KEY import json import os import logging import re logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) RETRY_COUNT = 5 TIMEOUT_SECS = 10 # Initialize a global session object s = requests.Session() s.headers.update({'X-ELS-APIKey' : API_KEY, 'X-ELS-ResourceVersion' : 'XOCS', 'Accept' : 'application/json'}) def get_token(location_id = None): '''Given a location_id, gets an authentication token''' print('Getting a token') api_resource = '' # Parameters payload = {'platform':'SCOPUS', 'choice': location_id} r = s.get(api_resource, params = payload) r.raise_for_status() s.headers['X-ELS-AuthToken'] = r.json()['authenticate-response']['authtoken'] def get_search_results(query, output_file, results_per_call = 200, tot_results=None, year=None, sort='+title', citation_call=False): '''Handles getting search results. Takes a query and an output file. Writes as many of the search results as possible to the output file as JSON dictionaries, one per line.''' result_set = [] results_added = 0 def curr_call(start=0, count=results_per_call): '''Shorthand for the current call: DRY''' return make_search_call(query, start=start, count=count, year=year, sort=sort) if tot_results == None: # Call the API initially to figure out how many results there are, and write the results initial_results = curr_call(count=results_per_call) tot_results = int(initial_results['search-results']['opensearch:totalResults']) result_set.append((initial_results, sort)) results_added += results_per_call logging.debug("Total results: {}".format(tot_results)) if tot_results == 0: return None if tot_results > 5000: # If this is just one year, we can't get any more granular, and # we need to return what we can. if tot_results > 10000: print("{} results for {}. We can only retrieve 10,000".format(tot_results, year)) first_half = last_half = 5000 else: # Get half, and correct for odd # of results first_half = tot_results//2 + tot_results % 2 last_half = tot_results//2 # Break the search into the first half and the bottom half of results. get_search_results(query, output_file, year = year, tot_results=first_half) # Get the other half get_search_results(query, output_file, year = year, tot_results = last_half, sort='-title') # If there are 5000 or fewer to retrieve, then get them else: logging.debug('Retrieving {} results'.format(tot_results)) # As long as there are more citations to retrieve, then do it, and write # them to the file while results_added < tot_results: # If we are near the end, then only get as many results as are left. to_retrieve = min(results_per_call, (tot_results - results_added)) curr_results = curr_call(start=results_added, count=to_retrieve) result_set.append((curr_results, sort)) results_added += results_per_call # This is hacky, but I'm doing it # If this is a citation call, then construct metadata to be written with the result if citation_call: metadata = {'parent_eid': re.match(r'refeid\((.*)\)', query).group(1)} else: metadata = {} write_results(result_set, output_file, metadata) def write_results(result_set, output_file, metadata={}): for x in result_set: search_json = x[0] to_reverse = x[1].startswith('-') try: results = [x for x in search_json['search-results']['entry']] except KeyError: raise if to_reverse: results = results[::-1] for x in results: for k, v in metadata.items(): x[k] = v json.dump(x, output_file) output_file.write('\n') def make_search_call(query, start=0, count=200, sort='+title', year=None, retry_limit = RETRY_COUNT, timeout_secs = TIMEOUT_SECS): api_resource = "" # Parameters payload = {'query':query, 'count':count, 'start':start, 'sort': sort, 'date': year} for _ in range(retry_limit): try: r = s.get(api_resource, params = payload, timeout = timeout_secs) logging.debug(r.url) if r.status_code == 401: get_token() continue if r.status_code == 400: raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError('Bad request; possibly you aren\'t connected to an institution with Scopus acces?') break except requests.exceptions.Timeout: pass else: raise requests.exceptions.Timeout('Timeout Error') r.raise_for_status() return r.json() def get_cited_by(eid, output_file): return get_search_results('refeid({})'.format(eid), output_file, results_per_call=200, citation_call = True) def get_abstract(eid, retry_limit = RETRY_COUNT, timeout_secs = TIMEOUT_SECS): api_resource = "{}".format(eid) # Parameters payload = {} for _ in range(retry_limit): try: r = s.get(api_resource, params = payload, timeout = timeout_secs) if r.status_code == 401: get_token() continue if r.status_code == 400: raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError('Bad request; possibly you aren\'t connected to an institution with Scopus acces?') break except requests.exceptions.Timeout: pass else: raise requests.exceptions.Timeout('Timeout Error') if r.status_code == 404: return None r.raise_for_status() return r.content.decode('utf-8')