X-Git-Url: https://code.communitydata.science/uw_tex_letterhead.git/blobdiff_plain/fd870ead08d8d774cf469a2dc7b681c14a92cad9..HEAD:/Makefile

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5dd4d5b..4a26058 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
-TARGET = letter.pdf
-SIGIMAGE = figures/signature.png.gpg
-all: $(TARGET)
+ENC_SIGIMAGE = figures/signature.pdf.gpg
+DEC_SIGIMAGE = figures/signature.pdf
+# to use encrypted signatures files, add "figures/signature.pdf" (no
+# quotes) right before the first $( in the following line:
+all: $(patsubst %.tex,%.pdf,$(wildcard *.tex))
-$(TARGET): update-sig main.pdf
-    mv main.pdf letter.pdf
+	gpg --yes --output $(DEC_SIGIMAGE) --decrypt $(ENC_SIGIMAGE)
+%.pdf: %.tex
+	latexmk -f -xelatex $<
-    rubber -m xelatex main.tex
-    gpg --yes --output figures/signature.png --decrypt $(SIGIMAGE)
+	latexmk -C *.tex
+	$(RM) -f *.tmp *.run.xml
+	# to use encrypted signature files, uncomment the following line
+	# $(RM) -f $(DEC_SIGIMAGE)
+viewpdf: all
+	evince *.pdf
-    rubber -m xelatex --clean main.tex && $(RM) $(TARGET) && $(RM) figures/signature.png
+pdf: all
+.PHONY: clean all update-sig