return (sim_dist, tfidf)
+def build_weekly_tfidf_dataset(df, include_subs, term_colname, tf_family=tf_weight.Norm05):
+ term = term_colname
+ term_id = term + '_id'
+ # aggregate counts by week. now subreddit-term is distinct
+ df = df.filter(df.subreddit.isin(include_subs))
+ df = df.groupBy(['subreddit',term,'week']).agg(f.sum('tf').alias('tf'))
+ max_subreddit_terms = df.groupby(['subreddit','week']).max('tf') # subreddits are unique
+ max_subreddit_terms = max_subreddit_terms.withColumnRenamed('max(tf)','sr_max_tf')
+ df = df.join(max_subreddit_terms, on=['subreddit','week'])
+ df = df.withColumn("relative_tf", / df.sr_max_tf)
+ # group by term. term is unique
+ idf = df.groupby([term,'week']).count()
+ N_docs =['subreddit','week']).distinct().groupby(['week']).agg(f.count("subreddit").alias("subreddits_in_week"))
+ idf = idf.join(N_docs, on=['week'])
+ # add a little smoothing to the idf
+ idf = idf.withColumn('idf',f.log(idf.subreddits_in_week) / (1+f.col('count'))+1)
+ # collect the dictionary to make a pydict of terms to indexes
+ terms =[term,'week']).distinct() # terms are distinct
+ terms = terms.withColumn(term_id,f.row_number().over(Window.partitionBy('week').orderBy(term))) # term ids are distinct
+ # make subreddit ids
+ subreddits =['subreddit','week']).distinct()
+ subreddits = subreddits.withColumn('subreddit_id',f.row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("week").orderBy("subreddit")))
+ df = df.join(subreddits,on=['subreddit','week'])
+ # map terms to indexes in the tfs and the idfs
+ df = df.join(terms,on=[term,'week']) # subreddit-term-id is unique
+ idf = idf.join(terms,on=[term,'week'])
+ # join on subreddit/term to create tf/dfs indexed by term
+ df = df.join(idf, on=[term_id, term,'week'])
+ # agg terms by subreddit to make sparse tf/df vectors
+ if tf_family == tf_weight.MaxTF:
+ df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", df.relative_tf * df.idf)
+ else: # tf_fam = tf_weight.Norm05
+ df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", (0.5 + 0.5 * df.relative_tf) * df.idf)
+ return df
def build_tfidf_dataset(df, include_subs, term_colname, tf_family=tf_weight.Norm05):
term = term_colname