+## create list of folks who are missing in class w/o reporting it
+absence.data.cols <- c("unique.name", "date.absent", "reported")
+missing.in.class <- call.list.full[!call.list.full$answered,
+ c("unique.name", "timestamp")]
+missing.in.class$date.absent <- as.Date(missing.in.class$timestamp)
+missing.in.class$reported <- FALSE
+missing.in.class <- missing.in.class[,absence.data.cols]
+missing.in.class <- unique(missing.in.class)
+## LOAD absence data TSV data
+absence.google <- read.delim("absence_poll_data.tsv")
+colnames(absence.google) <- c("timestamp", "unique.name", "date.absent")
+absence.google$date.absent <- as.Date(absence.google$date.absent, format="%m/%d/%Y")
+absence.google$reported <- TRUE
+absence.google <- absence.google[,absence.data.cols]
+absence.google <- unique(absence.google)
+## combine the two absence lists and then create a unique subset
+absence <- rbind(missing.in.class[,absence.data.cols],
+ absence.google[,absence.data.cols])
+## these are people that show up in both lists (i.e., probably they
+## submitted too late but it's worth verifying before we penalize
+## them. i'd actually remove them from the absence sheet to suppress
+## this error
+absence <- absence[!duplicated(absence[,1:2]),]
+## print total questions asked and absences
+absence.count <- data.frame(table(unique(absence[,c("unique.name", "date.absent")])[,"unique.name"]))
+colnames(absence.count) <- c("unique.name", "absences")
+## load up the full class list
+gs <- read.delim("student_information.tsv")
+d <- gs[,c("Your.UW.student.number", "Name.you.d.like.to.go.by.in.class")]
+colnames(d) <- c("unique.name", "short.name")
+## merge in the call counts
+d <- merge(d, call.counts, all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, by="unique.name")
+d <- merge(d, absence.count, by="unique.name", all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE)
+## set anything that's missing to zero
+d$num.calls[is.na(d$num.calls)] <- 0
+d$absences[is.na(d$absences)] <- 0
+## list people who have been absent often or called on a lot
+## list students sorted in terms of (a) absences and (b) prev questions
+d[sort.list(d$num.calls, decreasing=TRUE),]
+## build visualizations
+color.gradient <- scales::seq_gradient_pal("yellow", "magenta", "Lab")(seq(0,1,length.out=range(d$absences)[2]+1))
+table(d$num.calls, d$absences)
+ggplot(data=d) +
+ aes(x=as.factor(num.calls), y=absences) +
+ geom_violin()
+## png("questions_absence_histogram_combined.png", units="px", width=600, height=400)
+ggplot(d) +
+ aes(x=as.factor(num.calls), fill=as.factor(absences)) +
+ geom_bar(color="black") +
+ stat_count() +
+ scale_x_discrete("Number of questions asked") +
+ scale_y_continuous("Number of students") +
+ ##scale_fill_brewer("Absences", palette="Blues") +
+ scale_fill_manual("Absences", values=color.gradient) +
+ theme_bw()
+## dev.off()
+absence.labeller <- function (df) {
+ lapply(df, function (x) { paste("Absences:", x) })
+## png("questions_absence_histogram_facets.png", units="px", width=600, height=400)
+ggplot(d) +
+ aes(x=as.factor(num.calls)) +
+ geom_bar() +
+ stat_count() +
+ scale_x_discrete("Number of questions asked as of 2020-02-12") +
+ scale_y_continuous("Number of students") +
+ theme_bw() +
+ facet_wrap(.~absences, ncol=5, labeller="absence.labeller")