return(sum([(len(x.revisions)-1) for x in tokens_added]),
-def matchmaker(rev_data, regular_expression, scanner, rev): #rev_data,self.regex,self.scanner, rev
- for location in scanner: #presumably 'comment' 'text' 'comment text' made into a list by args
- if location == "comment":
- matching_string = rev.comment
- elif location == "text":
- matching_string = rev.text
+def matchmake(scanned_content, rev_data, regex, label):
+ p = re.compile(regex)
+ temp_dict = {}
+ # if there are named capture groups in the regex
+ if bool(p.groupindex):
+ capture_groups = list(p.groupindex.keys())
+ # initialize the {capture_group_name:list} for each capture group
+ for cap_group in capture_groups:
+ temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = []
+ # if there are matches of some sort in this revision content, fill the lists for each cap_group
+ if is not None:
+ m = re.finditer(p,scanned_content)
+ matchobjects = list(m)
+ for cap_group in capture_groups:
+ temp_list = []
+ for match in matchobjects:
+ # we only want to add the match for the capture group if the match is not None
+ if != None:
+ temp_list.append(
+ # if temp_list of matches is empty just make that column None
+ if len(temp_list)==0:
+ temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = None
+ # else we put in the list we made in the for-loop above
+ else:
+ temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = ', '.join(temp_list)
+ # there are no matches at all in this revision content, we default values to None
- sys.exit("regex scanner location must be 'comment' or 'text'.")
- if (, matching_string) is not None): # we know that there is a match somewhere
- m = re.finditer(regular_expression, matching_string) # all our matchObjects in a list
- blob=""
- for result in m:
- blob = blob + "," +
- # columns we want
- rev_data['matches'] = blob #### the list of matchObjects. gleaned in post-processing
+ for cap_group in capture_groups:
+ temp_dict["{}_{}".format(label, cap_group)] = None
+ # there are no capture groups, we just search for all the matches of the regex
+ else:
+ #given that there are matches to be made
+ if is not None:
+ m = p.findall(scanned_content)
+ temp_dict[label] = ', '.join(m)
- rev_data['matches'] = None
+ temp_dict[label] = None
+ # update rev_data with our new columns
+ rev_data.update(temp_dict)
+# print(rev_data.keys())
return rev_data
class WikiqIterator():
def __init__(self, fh, collapse_user=False):
self.fh = fh
return next(self.__revisions)
class WikiqParser():
- def __init__(self, input_file, output_file, scanner, match_regex, collapse_user=False, persist=None, urlencode=False, namespaces = None):
+ def __init__(self, input_file, output_file, regex_match_revision, regex_match_comment, regex_revision_label, regex_comment_label, collapse_user=False, persist=None, urlencode=False, namespaces = None, revert_radius=15):
persist : what persistence method to use. Takes a PersistMethod value
self.printed_header = False
self.namespaces = []
self.urlencode = urlencode
- self.scanner = scanner
- self.match_regex = match_regex
+ self.revert_radius = revert_radius
+ self.regex_match_revision = regex_match_revision
+ self.regex_revision_label = regex_revision_label
+ self.regex_match_comment = regex_match_comment
+ self.regex_comment_label = regex_comment_label
if namespaces is not None:
self.namespace_filter = set(namespaces)
if namespace not in self.namespace_filter:
- rev_detector = mwreverts.Detector()
+# print(self.revert_radius)
+ rev_detector = mwreverts.Detector(radius = self.revert_radius)
if self.persist != PersistMethod.none:
window = deque(maxlen=PERSISTENCE_RADIUS)
# Iterate through a page's revisions
for rev in page:
- ## m = re.finditer() #so we can find all instances
- ## m.groupdict() #so we can look at them all with their names
- # initialize rev_dat
+ # initialize rev_data
rev_data = {}
- if self.scanner is not None: # we know we want to do a regex search
- ## comment = want to look in comment attached to revision
- ## text = want to look in revision text
+ # if the command line args only gave a label (and no regular expression is given)
+ if (self.regex_revision_label != None and self.regex_match_revision == None) or (self.regex_comment_label != None and self.regex_match_comment == None):
+ sys.exit('The given regex label(s) has no corresponding regex to search for.')
+ # if there's anything in the list of regex_match_revision
+ if self.regex_match_revision is not None:
+ if (self.regex_revision_label == None) or (len(self.regex_match_revision) != len(self.regex_revision_label)):
+ sys.exit('Each regular expression *must* come with a corresponding label and vice versa.')
+ # initialize and construct the list of regex-label tuples
+ pairs = []
+ for i in range(0,len(self.regex_match_revision)):
+ pairs.append((self.regex_match_revision[i], self.regex_revision_label[i]))
+ # for each regex/label pair, we now run matchmake to check and output columns
+ for pair in pairs:
+ # pair[0] corresponds to the regex, pair[1] to the label
+ rev_data = matchmake(rev.text, rev_data, pair[0], pair[1])
+ # if there's anything in the list of regex_match_comment
+ if self.regex_match_comment is not None:
+ if (self.regex_comment_label == None) or (len(self.regex_match_comment) != len(self.regex_comment_label)):
+ sys.exit('Each regular expression *must* come with a corresponding label and vice versa.')
+ # initialize and construct the list of regex-label tuples
+ pairs = []
+ for i in range(0,len(self.regex_match_comment)):
+ pairs.append((self.regex_match_comment[i], self.regex_comment_label[i]))
- ### call the scanner function
- rev_data = matchmaker(rev_data, self.match_regex, self.scanner, rev)
- if self.scanner is not None and rev_data['matches'] is None:
- next
+ # for each regex/label pair, we now run matchmake to check and output columns
+ for pair in pairs:
+ # pair[0] corresponds to the regex, pair[1] to the label
+ rev_data = matchmake(rev.comment, rev_data, pair[0], pair[1])
# we fill out the rest of the data structure now
rev_data['revid'] =
parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace-include', dest="namespace_filter", type=int, action='append',
help="Id number of namspace to include. Can be specified more than once.")
-parser.add_argument('-rs', '--regex-scanner', dest="scanner",type=str, action='append',
- help="Find the regex match specified by -R/--match searching in: (1) comment (2) text.")
+ '--revert-radius',
+ dest="revert_radius",
+ type=int,
+ action='store',
+ default=15,
+ help="Number of edits to check when looking for reverts (default: 15)")
+parser.add_argument('-RP', '--revision-pattern', dest="regex_match_revision", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+ help="The regular expression to search for in revision text. The regex must be surrounded by quotes.")
+parser.add_argument('-RPl', '--revision-pattern-label', dest="regex_revision_label", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+ help="The label for the outputted column based on matching the regex in revision text.")
+parser.add_argument('-CP', '--comment-pattern', dest="regex_match_comment", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+ help="The regular expression to search for in comments of revisions.")
-parser.add_argument('-R', '--match', dest="match_regex", type=str,
- help="The regular expression you would like to find in the string and put in capture group")
+parser.add_argument('-CPl', '--comment-pattern-label', dest="regex_comment_label", default=None, type=str, action='append',
+ help="The label for the outputted column based on matching the regex in comments.")
args = parser.parse_args()
filename = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(filename))
output_file = open_output_file(filename)
- wikiq = WikiqParser(input_file, output_file,
+ wikiq = WikiqParser(input_file,
+ output_file,
- namespaces = namespaces,
- match_regex=args.match_regex, # adding in the new 2 args for regex searching
- scanner=args.scanner)
+ namespaces=namespaces,
+ revert_radius=args.revert_radius,
+ regex_match_revision = args.regex_match_revision,
+ regex_revision_label = args.regex_revision_label,
+ regex_match_comment = args.regex_match_comment,
+ regex_comment_label = args.regex_comment_label)
- wikiq = WikiqParser(sys.stdin, sys.stdout,
+ wikiq = WikiqParser(sys.stdin,
+ sys.stdout,
- namespaces = namespaces,
- match_regex=args.match_regex, # adding in the new 2 args for regex searching
- scanner=args.scanner)
- wikiq.process()
+ namespaces=namespaces,
+ revert_radius=args.revert_radius,
+ regex_match_revision = args.regex_match_revision,
+ regex_revision_label = args.regex_revision_label,
+ regex_match_comment = args.regex_match_comment,
+ regex_comment_label = args.regex_comment_label)
+ wikiq.process()
# stop_words = "a,able,about,across,after,all,almost,also,am,among,an,and,any,are,as,at,be,because,been,but,by,can,cannot,could,dear,did,do,does,either,else,ever,every,for,from,get,got,had,has,have,he,her,hers,him,his,how,however,i,if,in,into,is,it,its,just,least,let,like,likely,may,me,might,most,must,my,neither,no,nor,not,of,off,often,on,only,or,other,our,own,rather,said,say,says,she,should,since,so,some,than,that,the,their,them,then,there,these,they,this,tis,to,too,twas,us,wants,was,we,were,what,when,where,which,while,who,whom,why,will,with,would,yet,you,your"
# stop_words = stop_words.split(",")