+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--y_explained_variance", help='what proportion of the variance of y can be explained?', default=0.05)
+# parser <- add_argument(parser, "--zx_explained_variance", help='what proportion of the variance of x can be explained by z?', default=0.3)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--prediction_accuracy", help='how accurate is the predictive model?', default=0.73)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--outcome_formula", help='formula for the outcome variable', default="y~x+z")
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--proxy_formula", help='formula for the proxy variable', default="w_pred~x")
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--truth_formula", help='formula for the true variable', default="x~z")
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Bzx", help='Effect of z on x', default=0.3)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Bzy", help='Effect of z on y', default=-0.3)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Bxy", help='Effect of x on y', default=0.3)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Px", help='Base rate of x', default=0.5)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--confint_method", help='method for approximating confidence intervals', default='quad')