## one way to do it is by adding correlation to x.obs and y that isn't in w.
## in other words, the model is missing an important feature of x.obs that's related to y.
-simulate_data <- function(N, m, B0, Bxy, Bzx, Bzy, seed, y_explained_variance=0.025, prediction_accuracy=0.73, y_bias=-0.8,accuracy_imbalance_difference=0.3){
+simulate_data <- function(N, m, B0, Bxy, Bzx, Bzy, seed, y_explained_variance=0.025, prediction_accuracy=0.73, y_bias=-0.8,z_bias=0,Px=0.5,accuracy_imbalance_difference=0.3){
# make w and y dependent
- z <- rbinom(N, 1, plogis(qlogis(0.5)))
- x <- rbinom(N, 1, plogis(Bzx * z + qlogis(0.5)))
+ z <- rnorm(N,sd=0.5)
+ x <- rbinom(N, 1, plogis(Bzx * z + qlogis(Px)))
y.var.epsilon <- (var(Bzy * z) + var(Bxy *x) + 2*cov(Bzy*z,Bxy*x)) * ((1-y_explained_variance)/y_explained_variance)
y.epsilon <- rnorm(N, sd = sqrt(y.var.epsilon))
## print(mean(df[z==1]$x == df[z==1]$w_pred))
## print(mean(df$w_pred == df$x))
- odds.x1 <- qlogis(prediction_accuracy) + y_bias*qlogis(pnorm(scale(df[x==1]$y)))
- odds.x0 <- qlogis(prediction_accuracy,lower.tail=F) + y_bias*qlogis(pnorm(scale(df[x==0]$y)))
+ resids <- resid(lm(y~x + z))
+ odds.x1 <- qlogis(prediction_accuracy) + y_bias*qlogis(pnorm(resids[x==1])) + z_bias * qlogis(pnorm(z[x==1],sd(z)))
+ odds.x0 <- qlogis(prediction_accuracy,lower.tail=F) + y_bias*qlogis(pnorm(resids[x==0])) + z_bias * qlogis(pnorm(z[x==0],sd(z)))
## acc.x0 <- p.correct[df[,x==0]]
## acc.x1 <- p.correct[df[,x==1]]
df[,w_pred := as.integer(w > 0.5)]
- print(mean(df[z==0]$x == df[z==0]$w_pred))
- print(mean(df[z==1]$x == df[z==1]$w_pred))
print(mean(df$w_pred == df$x))
print(mean(df[y>=0]$w_pred == df[y>=0]$x))
print(mean(df[y<=0]$w_pred == df[y<=0]$x))
parser <- arg_parser("Simulate data and fit corrected models")
-parser <- add_argument(parser, "--N", default=1000, help="number of observations of w")
-aparser <- add_argument(parser, "--m", default=500, help="m the number of ground truth observations")
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--N", default=5000, help="number of observations of w")
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--m", default=500, help="m the number of ground truth observations")
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--seed", default=51, help='seed for the rng')
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--outfile", help='output file', default='example_2.feather')
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--y_explained_variance", help='what proportion of the variance of y can be explained?', default=0.1)
-parser <- add_argument(parser, "--prediction_accuracy", help='how accurate is the predictive model?', default=0.8)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--prediction_accuracy", help='how accurate is the predictive model?', default=0.75)
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--accuracy_imbalance_difference", help='how much more accurate is the predictive model for one class than the other?', default=0.3)
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Bzx", help='Effect of z on x', default=0.3)
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Bzy", help='Effect of z on y', default=-0.3)
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Bxy", help='Effect of z on y', default=0.3)
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--outcome_formula", help='formula for the outcome variable', default="y~x+z")
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--proxy_formula", help='formula for the proxy variable', default="w_pred~y*z*x")
-parser <- add_argument(parser, "--y_bias", help='coefficient of y on the probability a classification is correct', default=-0.75)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--y_bias", help='coefficient of y on the probability a classification is correct', default=-0.5)
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--z_bias", help='coefficient of z on the probability a classification is correct', default=0)
parser <- add_argument(parser, "--truth_formula", help='formula for the true variable', default="x~z")
+parser <- add_argument(parser, "--Px", help='base rate of x', default=0.5)
args <- parse_args(parser)
B0 <- 0
+Px <- args$Px
Bxy <- args$Bxy
Bzy <- args$Bzy
Bzx <- args$Bzx
## pc.df <- pc(suffStat=list(C=cor(df.pc),n=nrow(df.pc)),indepTest=gaussCItest,labels=names(df.pc),alpha=0.05)
## plot(pc.df)
- result <- list('N'=args$N,'m'=args$m,'B0'=B0,'Bxy'=Bxy, Bzx=args$Bzx, 'Bzy'=Bzy, 'seed'=args$seed, 'y_explained_variance'=args$y_explained_variance, 'prediction_accuracy'=args$prediction_accuracy, 'accuracy_imbalance_difference'=args$accuracy_imbalance_difference, 'y_bias'=args$y_bias,'outcome_formula'=args$outcome_formula, 'proxy_formula'=args$proxy_formula,truth_formula=args$truth_formula, error='')
+ result <- list('N'=args$N,'m'=args$m,'B0'=B0,'Bxy'=Bxy, 'Bzx'=args$Bzx, 'Bzy'=Bzy, 'Px'=Px, 'seed'=args$seed, 'y_explained_variance'=args$y_explained_variance, 'prediction_accuracy'=args$prediction_accuracy, 'accuracy_imbalance_difference'=args$accuracy_imbalance_difference, 'y_bias'=args$y_bias,'outcome_formula'=args$outcome_formula, 'proxy_formula'=args$proxy_formula,truth_formula=args$truth_formula, error='')
outline <- run_simulation(df, result, outcome_formula=as.formula(args$outcome_formula), proxy_formula=as.formula(args$proxy_formula), truth_formula=as.formula(args$truth_formula))