- df <- df[,w_pred:=x]
- df <- df[sample(1:N,(1-prediction_accuracy)*N),w_pred:=(w_pred-1)**2]
- w <- predict(glm(x ~ w_pred,data=df,family=binomial(link='logit')),type='response')
- df <- df[,':='(w=w, w_pred = w_pred)]
+ ## how can you make a model with a specific accuracy?
+ w0 =(1-x)**2 + (-1)**(1-x) * prediction_accuracy
+ ## how can you make a model with a specific accuracy, with a continuous latent variable.
+ # now it makes the same amount of mistake to each point, probably
+ # add mean0 noise to the odds.
+ w.noisey.odds = rlogis(N,qlogis(w0))
+ df[,w := plogis(w.noisey.odds)]
+ df[,w_pred:=as.integer(w > 0.5)]
+ (mean(df$x==df$w_pred))