-from __future__ import print_function
-from sys import stderr, version_info, platform
-if (version_info >= (3, 0)):
- from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode
- raw_input = input
- from urlparse import urlparse
- from urllib import urlencode
+from sys import stderr, platform
+from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode
import requests
import argparse
import getpass
from binascii import a2b_base64
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from shlex import quote
+from itertools import chain
clientos_map = dict(linux='Linux', darwin='Mac', win32='Windows', cygwin='Windows')
default_clientos = clientos_map.get(platform, 'Windows')
g.add_argument('-c','--cert', help='PEM file containing client certificate (and optionally private key)')
g.add_argument('--computer', default=os.uname()[1], help="Computer name (default is `hostname`)")
g.add_argument('--clientos', choices=set(clientos_map.values()), default=default_clientos, help="clientos value to send (default is %(default)s)")
-g.add_argument('--key', help='PEM file containing client private key (if not included in same file as certificate)')
+g.add_argument('-k','--key', help='PEM file containing client private key (if not included in same file as certificate)')
p.add_argument('-b','--browse', action='store_true', help='Automatically spawn browser for SAML')
p.add_argument('--no-verify', dest='verify', action='store_false', default=True, help='Ignore invalid server certificate')
args = p.parse_args()
# same request params work for /global-protect/getconfig.esp as for /ssl-vpn/login.esp
if args.user == None:
- args.user = raw_input('Username: ')
+ args.user = input('Username: ')
if args.password == None:
args.password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
data=dict(user=args.user, passwd=args.password,
except Exception:
xml = None
+if cert:
+ cert_and_key = '\\\n ' + ' '.join('%s "%s"' % (opt, quote(fn)) for opt, fn in zip(('-c','-k'), cert) if fn) + ' \\\n'
+ cert_and_key = ''
if xml is not None and xml.tag == 'jnlp':
arguments = [(t.text or '') for t in xml.iter('argument')]
arguments += [''] * (16-len(arguments))
cookie = urlencode({'authcookie': arguments[1], 'portal': arguments[3], 'user': arguments[4], 'domain': arguments[7],
'computer': args.computer, 'preferred-ip': arguments[15]})
- if cert:
- cert_and_key = ' \\\n ' + ' '.join('%s "%s"' % (opt, quote(fn)) for opt, fn in zip(('-c','-k'), cert) if fn)
- else:
- cert_and_key = ''
print("Got SAML POST, saved to:\n\t%s" % tf.name)
elif sam == 'REDIRECT':
+ sr = a2b_base64(sr)
if args.browse:
print("Got SAML REDIRECT, browsing to %s" % sr)
print("Got SAML REDIRECT to:\n\t%s" % sr)
+# if it's a portal config response, pass along to gateway
+elif xml is not None and xml.tag == 'policy':
+ uemail = xml.find('user-email')
+ if uemail: uemail = uemail.text
+ cookies = [(cn, xml.find(cn).text) for cn in ('portal-prelogonuserauthcookie', 'portal-userauthcookie')]
+ gateways = [(e.find('description').text, e.get('name')) for e in set(chain(xml.findall('gateways/external/list/entry'), xml.findall('gateways6/external/list/entry')))]
+ print('''\nPortal config response response converted to new test-globalprotect-login.py invocation for gateway login:\n'''
+ ''' test-globalprotect-login.py --user={} --clientos={} -p {} {}\\\n'''
+ ''' https://{}/ssl-vpn/login.esp \\\n'''
+ ''' {}\n'''.format(
+ quote(args.user), quote(args.clientos), quote(args.password), cert_and_key, quote(gateways[0][1]),
+ ' '.join(cn+'='+quote(cv) for cn, cv in cookies),
+ file=stderr))
+ if uemail and uemail != args.user:
+ print('''IMPORTANT: Portal config contained different username. You might need to try\n'''
+ '''{} instead.\n'''.format(uemail))
+ if len(gateways)>1:
+ print('''Received multiple gateways. Options include:\n {}\n'''.format('\n '.join('%s => %s' % (desc, host) for desc, host in gateways)))
# Just print the result