def parse_args(args = None):
- clientos_map = dict(linux='Linux', darwin='Mac', win32='Windows', cygwin='Windows')
- default_clientos = clientos_map.get(platform, 'Windows')
+ pf2clientos = dict(linux='Linux', darwin='Mac', win32='Windows', cygwin='Windows')
+ clientos2ocos = dict(Linux='linux-64', Mac='mac-intel', Windows='win')
+ default_clientos = pf2clientos.get(platform, 'Windows')
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('server', help='GlobalProtect server (portal or gateway)')
g.add_argument('-c','--cert', help='PEM file containing client certificate (and optionally private key)')
g.add_argument('--key', help='PEM file containing client private key (if not included in same file as certificate)')
g = p.add_argument_group('Debugging and advanced options')
- g.add_argument('-v','--verbose', default=0, action='count')
+ x = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ x.add_argument('-v','--verbose', default=1, action='count', help='Increase verbosity of explanatory output to stderr')
+ x.add_argument('-q','--quiet', dest='verbose', action='store_const', const=0, help='Reduce verbosity to a minimum')
g.add_argument('-x','--external', action='store_true', help='Launch external browser (for debugging)')
g.add_argument('-u','--uri', action='store_true', help='Treat server as the complete URI of the SAML entry point, rather than GlobalProtect server')
- g.add_argument('--clientos', choices=set(clientos_map.values()), default=default_clientos, help="clientos value to send (default is %(default)s)")
+ g.add_argument('--clientos', choices=set(pf2clientos.values()), default=default_clientos, help="clientos value to send (default is %(default)s)")
p.add_argument('extra', nargs='*', help='Extra form field(s) to pass to include in the login query string (e.g. "magic-cookie-value=deadbeef01234567")')
args = p.parse_args(args = None)
+ args.ocos = clientos2ocos[args.clientos]
args.extra = dict(x.split('=', 1) for x in args.extra)
if args.cookies:
'''sure about this. You should probably try both.\n'''.format(args.server, server), file=stderr)
if ifh != args.interface and not args.uri:
print('''IMPORTANT: We started with SAML auth to the {} interface, but received a cookie '''
- '''that's associated with the {} interface. You should probably try both.\n'''.format(args.interface, ifh),
+ '''that's often associated with the {} interface. You should probably try both.\n'''.format(args.interface, ifh),
print('''\nSAML response converted to OpenConnect command line invocation:\n''', file=stderr)
- print(''' echo {} |\n openconnect --protocol=gp --user={} --usergroup={}:{} --passwd-on-stdin {}'''.format(
- quote(cv), quote(un), quote(ifh), quote(cn), quote(server)), file=stderr)
+ print(''' echo {} |\n openconnect --protocol=gp --user={} --os={} --usergroup={}:{} --passwd-on-stdin {}'''.format(
+ quote(cv), quote(un), quote(args.ocos), quote(args.interface), quote(cn), quote(server)), file=stderr)
print('''\nSAML response converted to invocation:\n''', file=stderr)
- print(''' --user={} -p '' \\\n https://{}/{} {}={}\n'''.format(
- quote(un), quote(server), quote(if2auth[ifh]), quote(cn), quote(cv)), file=stderr)
+ print(''' --user={} --clientos={} -p '' \\\n https://{}/{} {}={}\n'''.format(
+ quote(un), quote(args.clientos), quote(server), quote(if2auth[args.interface]), quote(cn), quote(cv)), file=stderr)
varvals = {
- 'HOST': quote('https://%s/%s:%s' % (server, if2auth[ifh], cn)),
- 'USER': quote(un), 'COOKIE': quote(cv),
+ 'HOST': quote('https://%s/%s:%s' % (server, if2auth[args.interface], cn)),
+ 'USER': quote(un), 'COOKIE': quote(cv), 'OS': quote(args.ocos),
print('\n'.join('%s=%s' % pair for pair in varvals.items()))