]> code.communitydata.science - nu-vpn-proxy.git/shortlog
44 hours ago Benjamin Mako... add ignore file master
44 hours ago Benjamin Mako... removed two out-of-date commands
2 days ago Benjamin Mako... Merge branch 'master' of ssh://gitea.communitydata...
2 days ago Benjamin Mako... updated the proxy code to make it work based on other...
2 days ago Benjamin Mako... updated with the new version of gp-saml-gui (from upstream)
2024-06-15 mgaughanupdate prereq package install with netcat
2023-07-07 Benjamin Mako... don't run the openconnect script in the background
2023-06-28 Benjamin Mako... update README-CDSC file to make the new openconnect...
2023-06-28 Benjamin Mako... updated to new version fo gp-saml-gui and new api
2023-05-12 aaronshawincorporating a pointer to our wiki page re issues...
2023-04-19 Benjamin Mako... Merge branch 'master' of code.communitydata.science...
2023-04-19 Benjamin Mako... fix issue with openssl
2022-05-12 Nathan TeBlunthuisCommands to connect / disconnect from NU vpn.
2022-05-10 Nathan TeBlunthuisMerge branch 'master' of code:nu-vpn-proxy
2020-11-20 aaronshawinclude an IPV6 address
2020-11-20 aaronshawMerge branch 'master' of code.communitydata.science...
2020-11-20 Nathan TeBlunthuisMerge branch 'master' of code:nu-vpn-proxy into master
2020-11-20 Nathan TeBlunthuisnate's settings
2020-11-20 Benjamin Mako... Merge branch 'master' of code.communitydata.science...
2020-11-20 Benjamin Mako... disable IPv6 (it doesn't seem to work)
2020-10-08 Nathan TeBlunthuisMinor changes to README.
2020-06-10 Jeremy FooteFixing typo in connecting to kibo via SSH
2020-06-10 aaronshawnoting version requirement for openconnect
2020-06-10 aaronshawdocumentation bug. providing a correct path to the...
2020-06-09 Benjamin Mako... updated documentation with new material
2020-06-09 Benjamin Mako... initial version of the CDSC version of scripts
2020-05-13 Daniel Lenskihave test-globalprotect-login.py suggest a new invocati...
2020-03-29 Daniel Lenskiuse either PyGObject (import gi, maintained) or pgi...
2020-03-29 Daniel Lenskineed to base64-decode URLs from SAML REDIRECT too
2020-03-23 Daniel LenskiI swear I know how to write Python 🤦🏻‍♂
2020-03-23 Daniel Lenskiminimal .travis.yml (just verifies that script can...
2020-03-23 Daniel Lenskiwe have reports of prelogin-cookie used for portal...
2020-03-23 Daniel Lenskimake verbose=1 the default, add -q/--quiet to suppress it
2020-03-23 Daniel Lenskiinclude clientos in output command-lines and environmen...
2020-03-23 Daniel Lenskifix too-hurried ambiguity warnings, fix b64 encoding...
2020-03-17 Daniel Lenskiinclude clientos in prelogin.esp parameters (ping #6)
2020-03-13 Daniel Lenskiclarify ambiguities in destination, slightly better...
2020-01-26 Daniel Lenskiassume server from which we received SAML results is...
2020-01-26 Daniel Lenskiextensive cleanup, more logging
2020-01-26 Daniel Lenskithis script should live here
2020-01-24 Daniel Lenskibetter SSL error handling (especially, distinguish...
2020-01-24 Daniel Lenskishould use shlex.quote() instead of repr()
2019-11-25 Daniel Lenskipass along --no-verify flag to WebKit2 GUI (ping #5)
2019-10-21 Dan LenskiMerge pull request #4 from jasonaowen/install
2019-10-19 Daniel Lenskiadd requirements.txt
2019-10-19 Jason OwenAdd installation notes
2019-09-19 Daniel LenskiSAML auth isn't done until we've gotten the username...
2019-09-17 Daniel Lenskiadd --external and --uri for convenient debugging/futzi...
2019-09-17 Daniel Lenskilog other resources loaded when verbosity > 1 (e.g...
2019-09-17 Daniel Lenskipersist cookies
2019-09-17 Daniel Lenskiinitial commit

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