% available here: http://github.com/kjhealy/latex-custom-kjh/
% blank footnote
% Use \symbolfootnote[0]{Footnote text} for a blank footnote.
%%% version control info in footers; requires vc package
% Make the style for vc-git revision control headers and footers
-\makeevenfoot{kjhgit}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize{\textcolor{Blue}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}}{}
-\makeoddfoot{kjhgit}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize \textcolor{Blue}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}{}
+\makeevenfoot{mako-mem-git}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize{\textcolor{BrickRed}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}}{}
+\makeoddfoot{mako-mem-git}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize \textcolor{BrickRed}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}{}
+%%% print a datestamp from ShareLaTeX
+ \let\@mkboth\markboth
+ \def\chaptermark##1{%
+ \markboth{%
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+ \if@mainmatter
+ \thechapter. \ %
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ ##1}{}}
+ \def\sectionmark##1{%
+ \markright{##1}}
%% Create a command to make a note at the top of the first page describing the
%% publication status of the paper.