-#all: $(patsubst %.tex,%.pdf,$(wildcard *.tex))
-all: project_description.pdf references.pdf
-pdf: all
+all: $(patsubst %.tex,%.pdf,$(wildcard *.tex))
- perl -p -e 's/©//' refs.bib > refs-processed.bib
- perl -0pe 's/,\s+(file|abstract) = \{.*?\}(,\n|\n)/\2/sg' refs-processed.bib |sponge refs-processed.bib
- recode -d u8..ltex < refs-processed.bib | sponge refs-processed.bib
+# use the following section for Rnw/knitr documents
+# all: $(patsubst %.Rnw,%.pdf,$(wildcard *.Rnw))
+# %.tex: %.Rnw
+# Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('$<')"
-%.pdf: %.tex refs-processed.bib
- rubber -fd $<
+%.pdf: %.tex
+ latexmk -f -pdf $<
- rubber -d --clean *.tex
- rm -f *.tmp
+ latexmk -C *.tex
+ rm -f *.tmp *.run.xml
rm -f vc
- rm -f refs-processed.bib
+ rm -f *.bbl
+ # the following lines are useful for Rnw/knitr
+ # rm -rf cache/ figure/
+ # rm -f *.tex
viewpdf: all
evince *.pdf
- aspell -c -t --tex-check-comments -b text.tex
+vc: resources/vc-git
- vc-git
+pdf: all
.PHONY: clean all
+# .PRECIOUS: %.tex