-% article-1 and article-2 styles were originally based on kieran healy's
-% templates
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+% there are two chapter styles: cdsc-article and cdsc-memo
+% memo assumes that you remove the "\\" and the email address from the
+% \author field below as well as that you will comment out the
+% \published tag
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+% list of footnote symbols for \thanks{}
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+ \mathsection\or \mathparagraph\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
+ \or \ddagger\ddagger \else\@ctrerr\fi}}
% add bibliographic stuff
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+ \prebibhook}
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% will add version control information to the bottom of each page. This can be
% useful for keeping track of which version of a document somebody has:
% \input{vc}
-% \pagestyle{mako-mem-git}
+% \pagestyle{cdsc-page-git}
+% LATEX NOTE: this alternative line will just input a timestamp at the
+% build process, useful for Overleaf
+% \pagestyle{cdsc-page-overleaf}
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-\author{Nate TeGrotenshui\\
- \href{mailto:nathante@uw.edu}{nathante@uw.edu}}
+\author{Your Name\\
+ \href{mailto:youremail@uw.edu}{youremail@uw.edu}}
\published{\textsc{\textcolor{BrickRed}{This document is an
fox jumps over the lazy dog \citep{989866}.
% bibliography here
-\baselineskip 14.2pt
+\printbibliography[title = {References}, heading=secbib]