]> code.communitydata.science - cdsc_tex.git/commitdiff
moved things over to cdsc branding
authorBenjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
Sat, 4 Aug 2018 17:04:37 +0000 (10:04 -0700)
committerBenjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
Sat, 4 Aug 2018 17:04:37 +0000 (10:04 -0700)
- removed article-1 form since this is never used
- renamed styles as cdsc-article and cdsc-memo
- added documentation to the text.tex file
- copied similar code out of the chapterstyle definitions
- rebranded things so they are now cdsc-memoir instead of mako-mem

paper_template/cdsc-memoir.sty [new file with mode: 0644]
paper_template/mako-mem.sty [deleted file]

diff --git a/paper_template/cdsc-memoir.sty b/paper_template/cdsc-memoir.sty
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..571202d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+% Some article styles and page layout tweaks for the LaTeX Memoir
+% class.
+% Copyright 2009-2018 Benjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
+% Copyright 2008-2009 Kieran Healy <kjhealy@soc.duke.edu>
+% Distributed as free software under the GNU GPL v3
+% This file was originally based on one by Kieran Healy
+% available here: http://github.com/kjhealy/latex-custom-kjh/
+%%% Custom styles for headers and footers
+%%% Basic 
+  \let\@mkboth\markboth
+  \def\chaptermark##1{%
+    \markboth{%
+      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+        \if@mainmatter
+          \thechapter. \ %
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      ##1}{}}
+  \def\sectionmark##1{%
+    \markright{##1}}
+%%% version control info in footers; requires vc package 
+% Make the style for vc-git revision control headers and footers
+  \let\@mkboth\markboth
+  \def\chaptermark##1{%
+    \markboth{%
+      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+        \if@mainmatter
+          \thechapter. \ %
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      ##1}{}}
+  \def\sectionmark##1{%
+    \markright{##1}}
+\makeevenfoot{cdsc-page-git}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize{\textcolor{BrickRed}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}}{}
+\makeoddfoot{cdsc-page-git}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize \textcolor{BrickRed}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}{}
+%%% print a datestamp from ShareLaTeX
+  \let\@mkboth\markboth
+  \def\chaptermark##1{%
+    \markboth{%
+      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+        \if@mainmatter
+          \thechapter. \ %
+        \fi
+      \fi
+      ##1}{}}
+  \def\sectionmark##1{%
+    \markright{##1}}
+%% Create a command to make a note at the top of the first page describing the
+%% publication status of the paper. 
+   \gdef\puB{#1}} 
+   \newcommand{\puB}{} 
+   \renewcommand{\maketitlehooka}{% 
+       \par\noindent\footnotesize \puB} 
+\makeevenfoot{cdsc-page-memo}{}{\scshape \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}}{}
+\makeoddfoot{cdsc-page-memo}{}{\scshape \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}}{}
+% blank footnote
+% Use \symbolfootnote[0]{Footnote text} for a blank footnote. 
+% Useful for initial acknowledgment note.
+% put a period after the section numbers
+\setsecnumformat{\csname the#1\endcsname.\enspace}
+% set fonts to garamond and helvetica
+% material shared between the two modes
+\renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space} 
+% turn off chapter numbering
+% supress chapter numbers 
+% for numbered sections and subsections:
+% (a) comment out the above stanza; (b) uncomment the one below
+% \maxsecnumdepth{subsection} 
+% \setsecnumdepth{subsection}
+% set name of bibliography to 'references'
+% >> cdsc-article <<
+  % section heading sytle
+  \setsecheadstyle{\large\scshape} 
+ % reduce skip after section heading
+  \setaftersecskip{1.7ex}
+  % Title flush left
+  \pretitle{\flushleft\LARGE \itshape}
+  \posttitle{\par\vskip 0.5em}
+  \preauthor{\flushleft  \large \lineskip 1em}
+  \postauthor{\par\lineskip 1em}
+  \predate{\flushleft\footnotesize\vspace{0.65em}}
+  \postdate{\par\vskip 1em}
+  % 'abstract' title, bigger skip from title
+  \renewcommand{\abstractname}{Abstract:}
+  \renewcommand{\abstractnamefont}{\normalfont\small\bfseries}
+  \renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\small}
+  \setlength{\absparindent}{0em}
+  \setlength{\abstitleskip}{-1.5em}
+  \abstractrunin
+  % this is the default page style for chapters
+  \pagestyle{cdsc-page}
+% >> cdsc-memo <<
+  % section heading sytle
+  \setsecheadstyle{\large\sffamily\bfseries\MakeUppercase} 
+  % reduce skip after section heading
+  \setaftersecskip{1pt}
+  \setbeforesecskip{-1em}
+  % 'abstract' title, bigger skip from title
+  % \renewcommand{\maketitle}{\{\preauthor \theauthor\} \hfill \thetitle}
+  \renewcommand{\maketitle}{
+    {\Large\sffamily\bfseries\MakeUppercase\thetitle} \hfill
+    {\Large\sffamily\MakeUppercase\theauthor}
+    \vskip 0.7em}
+  \renewcommand{\abstractname}{\normalfont\scriptsize\noindent}
+  \renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\scriptsize}
+  \abstractrunin
+  % set name of bibliography to 'references'
+  \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
+  \parindent 0pt
+  % this is the default page style for chapters
+  \pagestyle{cdsc-page-memo}
diff --git a/paper_template/mako-mem.sty b/paper_template/mako-mem.sty
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 95c0b7f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-% Some article styles and page layout tweaks for the LaTeX Memoir class.
-% Copyright 2009 Benjamin Mako Hill <mako@atdot.cc>
-% Copyright 2008-2009 Kieran Healy <kjhealy@soc.duke.edu>
-% Distributed as free software under the GNU GPL v3
-% This file is heavily based on one by Kieran Healy
-% available here: http://github.com/kjhealy/latex-custom-kjh/
-% blank footnote
-% Use \symbolfootnote[0]{Footnote text} for a blank footnote. 
-% Useful for initial acknowledgment note.
-% put a period after the section numbers
-\setsecnumformat{\csname the#1\endcsname.\enspace}
-% >> article-1 << 
- \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ugm}
- \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv}
- \setsecheadstyle{\large\scshape}
- \setsubsecheadstyle{\normalsize\itshape}
- \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{}
- \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{}
- \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\chaptitlefont}
- \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space}
- \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
- \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\secheadstyle}
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterfont}{\normalfont}
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterpagefont}{\normalfont\scshape}
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterpresnum}{\scshape}
- \captiontitlefont{\small}
- % turn off chapter numbering
- \counterwithout{section}{chapter}
- \counterwithout{figure}{chapter}
- \counterwithout{table}{chapter}
- % reduce skip after section heading
- \setaftersecskip{1.2ex}
- \pretitle{\newline\centering \LARGE\scshape \MakeLowercase }
- \posttitle{\par\vskip 1em}
- \predate{\footnotesize \centering}
- \postdate{\par\vskip 1em}
- % 'abstract' title, bigger skip from title
- \renewcommand{\abstractname}{}
- \abstractrunin
-% set name of bibliography to 'references'
-% >> article-2 <<
- \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ugm}
- \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv}
- \setsecheadstyle{\large\scshape} 
- \setsubsecheadstyle{\normalsize\itshape} 
- \setaftersubsubsecskip{-1em}
- \setsubsubsecheadstyle{\bfseries}
- \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{} 
- \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{} 
- \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\chaptitlefont} 
- \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space} 
- \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{} 
- \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\secheadstyle}
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterfont}{\normalfont} 
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterpagefont}{\normalfont\scshape} 
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterpresnum}{\scshape} 
- \captiontitlefont{\small}
- % turn off chapter numbering
- \counterwithout{section}{chapter}
- \counterwithout{figure}{chapter}
- \counterwithout{table}{chapter}
- % supress chapter numbers 
- \maxsecnumdepth{chapter} 
- \setsecnumdepth{chapter}
- % for numbered sections and subsections:
- % (a) comment out the above stanza; (b) uncomment the one below
- % \maxsecnumdepth{subsection} 
- % \setsecnumdepth{subsection}
- % reduce skip after section heading
- \setaftersecskip{1.7ex}
- % Title flush left
- \pretitle{\flushleft\LARGE \itshape}
- \posttitle{\par\vskip 0.5em}
- \preauthor{\flushleft  \large \lineskip 1em}
- \postauthor{\par\lineskip 1em}
- \predate{\flushleft\footnotesize\vspace{0.65em}}
- \postdate{\par\vskip 1em}
- % 'abstract' title, bigger skip from title
- \renewcommand{\abstractname}{Abstract:}
- \renewcommand{\abstractnamefont}{\normalfont\small\bfseries}
- \renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\small}
- \setlength{\absparindent}{0em}
- \setlength{\abstitleskip}{-1.5em}
- \abstractrunin
- % set name of bibliography to 'references'
- \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
-% >> article-3 <<
- \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ugm}
- \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv}
- \setsecheadstyle{\large\sffamily\bfseries\MakeUppercase} 
- \setsubsecheadstyle{\normalsize\itshape} 
- \setaftersubsubsecskip{-1em}
- \setsubsubsecheadstyle{\small\bfseries}
- \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{} 
- \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{} 
- \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\chaptitlefont} 
- \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space} 
- \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{} 
- \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\secheadstyle}
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterfont}{\normalfont} 
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterpagefont}{\normalfont\scshape} 
- \renewcommand{\cftchapterpresnum}{\scshape} 
- \captiontitlefont{\small}
- % turn off chapter numbering
- \counterwithout{section}{chapter}
- \counterwithout{figure}{chapter}
- \counterwithout{table}{chapter}
- % supress chapter numbers 
- \maxsecnumdepth{chapter} 
- \setsecnumdepth{chapter}
- % reduce skip after section heading
- \setaftersecskip{1pt}
- \setbeforesecskip{-1em}
- % 'abstract' title, bigger skip from title
- % \renewcommand{\maketitle}{\{\preauthor \theauthor\} \hfill \thetitle}
- \renewcommand{\maketitle}{
-    {\Large\sffamily\bfseries\MakeUppercase\thetitle} \hfill
-    {\Large\sffamily\MakeUppercase\theauthor}
-    \vskip 0.7em}
- \renewcommand{\abstractname}{\normalfont\scriptsize\noindent}
- \renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\scriptsize}
- \abstractrunin
- % set name of bibliography to 'references'
- \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
- \parindent 0pt
-%%% Custom styles for headers and footers
-%%% Basic 
-  \let\@mkboth\markboth
-  \def\chaptermark##1{%
-    \markboth{%
-      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
-        \if@mainmatter
-          \thechapter. \ %
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      ##1}{}}
-  \def\sectionmark##1{%
-    \markright{##1}}
-%%% version control info in footers; requires vc package 
-% Make the style for vc-git revision control headers and footers
-  \let\@mkboth\markboth
-  \def\chaptermark##1{%
-    \markboth{%
-      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
-        \if@mainmatter
-          \thechapter. \ %
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      ##1}{}}
-  \def\sectionmark##1{%
-    \markright{##1}}
-\makeevenfoot{mako-mem-git}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize{\textcolor{BrickRed}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}}{}
-\makeoddfoot{mako-mem-git}{}{\texttt{\footnotesize \textcolor{BrickRed}{git revision \VCRevision\ on \VCDateTEX}}}{}
-%%% print a datestamp from ShareLaTeX
-  \let\@mkboth\markboth
-  \def\chaptermark##1{%
-    \markboth{%
-      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
-        \if@mainmatter
-          \thechapter. \ %
-        \fi
-      \fi
-      ##1}{}}
-  \def\sectionmark##1{%
-    \markright{##1}}
-%% Create a command to make a note at the top of the first page describing the
-%% publication status of the paper. 
-   \gdef\puB{#1}} 
-   \newcommand{\puB}{} 
-   \renewcommand{\maketitlehooka}{% 
-       \par\noindent\footnotesize \puB} 
-\makeevenfoot{memo}{}{\scshape \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}}{}
-\makeoddfoot{memo}{}{\scshape \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}}{}
index a58ce9129e6821b96ef6d43542a745c3e0ee161e..1a316cdca414f14f76caf424394da9b0c46f02c8 100644 (file)
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-% article-1 and article-2 styles were originally based on kieran healy's
-% templates
-% with article-3 \chapterstyle, change to: \pagestyle{memo}
+% there are two chapter styles: cdsc-article and cdsc-memo
+% memo assumes that you remove the "\\" and the email address from the
+% \author field below as well as that you will comment out the
+% \published tag
 % will add version control information to the bottom of each page. This can be
 % useful for keeping track of which version of a document somebody has:
 % \input{vc}
 % will add version control information to the bottom of each page. This can be
 % useful for keeping track of which version of a document somebody has:
 % \input{vc}
-% \pagestyle{mako-mem-git}
+% \pagestyle{cdsc-page-git}
 % LATEX NOTE: this alternative line will just input a timestamp at the
 % build process, useful for sharelatex
 % LATEX NOTE: this alternative line will just input a timestamp at the
 % build process, useful for sharelatex
-% \pagestyle{mako-mem-sharelatex}
+% \pagestyle{cdsc-page-sharelatex}

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