$ pip3 install discord
-I don't have details on how I set up my own Discord bot and/or invited
-it to my server but I hope you'll add to this file as you do this and
-figure out what needs to happen.
+Setting up the Bot
+The documentation for the `discord` python package
+(https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html) does a good
+job explaining how to set up a Discord bot with your server. Follow
+the steps there, with one important exception:
+1. On the "Bot" tab in the discord application configuration page you
+need to enable both "Privileged Gateway Intents." This allows the bot
+to see who is present and active in the channel.
+Finally, you need to copy your bot's Token (also found on the "Bot" tab)
+into coldcallbot.py. Pass it as the argument to `ccb.run()`.
Using the Cold Call Bot