-# Transliterations
+# Keywords
-This part of the project collects tranliterations of key phrases related to COVID-19 using Wikidata. We search the Wikidata API for entities in `src/wikidata_search.py` and then we make simple SPARQL queries in `src/wikidata_transliterations.py` to collect labels and aliases the entities. The labels come with language metadata. This seems to provide a decent initial list of relevant terms across multiple languages.
+This code finds trending web searches related to the COVID-19 pandemic using Google trends (`collect_trends.py`). It then searches for relevant keywords on Wikidata (`wikidata_search`) in order to find high-quality translations of important words and phrases (`wikidata_translations.py`). The goal is to support efforts expanding the Observatory to information in many languages beyond English.
+We search the Wikidata API for entities in `src/wikidata_search.py` and then we make simple SPARQL queries in `src/wikidata_translations.py` to collect labels and aliases the entities. The labels come with language metadata. This seems to provide a decent initial list of relevant terms across multiple languages.
+The output data lives at [covid19.communitydata.science](https://covid19.communitydata.science/datasets/keywords).