+### COVID-19 Digital Observatory
+### 2020-03-28
+### Minimal example analysis file using pageview data
+### Import and cleanup one datafile from the observatory
+DataURL <-
+ url("https://covid19.communitydata.science/datasets/wikipedia/digobs_covid19-wikipedia-enwiki_dailyviews-20200401.tsv")
+views <-
+ read.table(DataURL, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+### Alternatively, uncomment and run if working locally with full git
+### tree
+### Identify data source directory and file
+## DataDir <- ("../data/")
+## DataFile <- ("dailyviews2020032600.tsv")
+## related.searches.top <- read.table(paste(DataDir,DataFile, sep=""),
+## sep="\t", header=TRUE,
+## stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+### Cleanup and do the grouping with functions from the Tidyverse
+### (see https://www.tidyverse.org for more info)
+views <- views[,c("article", "project", "timestamp", "views")]
+views$timestamp <- fct_explicit_na(views$timestamp)
+### Sorts and groups at the same time
+views.by.proj.date <- arrange(group_by(views, project, timestamp),
+ desc(views))
+### Export just the top 10 by pageviews
+write.table(head(views.by.proj.date, 10),
+ file="output/top10_views_by_project_date.csv", sep=",",
+ row.names=FALSE)
+### A simple visualization
+p <- ggplot(data=views.by.proj.date, aes(views))
+## Density plot with log-transformed axis
+p + geom_density() + scale_x_log10(labels=comma)