Merge branch 'master' of code:ml_measurement_error_public
[ml_measurement_error_public.git] / simulations / .Rhistory
1 ls()
2 weight
3 weight
4 lablr
5 labelr
6 nrow(labelr)
7 names(labelr)
8 names(labelr$data)
9 labelr$data
10 labelr
11 names(labelr)
12 labelr$labelr
13 labelr$toxic
14 setwd("..")
15 q()
16 n
17 summary(w2)
18 summary(w2)
19 q()
20 n
21 summary(fit1)
22 0.5*(dat$x1 + sapply(dat$sdx, function(sd) rnorm(1,0,sd)))
23 summary(fit1)
24 summary(fit2)
25 summary(fit2)
26 conditional_effects(fit2,resp='y')
27 plot(conditional_effects(fit2,resp='y'))
28 stancode(fit2)
29 stancode(fit1)
30 sessionInfo()
31 q()
32 y
33 p.y
34 range(p.y)
35 rbinom
36 df2
37 df2
38 df2
39 brms.corrected.logit
40 q()
41 n
42 summary(brms.corrected.logit)
43 summary(brms.corrected.logit)
44 p.y
45 q()
46 n
47 mw
48 summary(mw)
49 )
50 summary(true.model)
51 true.model
52 true.model$R
53 true.model$null.deviance
54 true.model$deviance
55 getwd()
56 setwd("../../)
57 setwd("../../)
59 setwd("../../partitioning_reddit")
60 ls
61 getwd()
62 list.files()
63 install.packages("filelock")
64 q()
65 n

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