--- /dev/null
+[submodule "paper"]
+ path = paper
+ url = git@github.com:chainsawriot/measure.git
--- /dev/null
convert -density 300 -transparent white $< $@
%.svg: %.pdf
- /usr/bin/inkscape $< --export-plain-svg=$@
+ /usr/bin/inkscape $< --export-plain-svg --export-type=svg --export-filename=$@
%.pdf: %.tex
latexmk -f -pdf $<
rm -f vc
rm *.svg
viewpdf: all
evince *.pdf
--- /dev/null
+\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows, }
+ observed/.style={circle, draw},
+ partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
+ \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
+ (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
+ circle},
+ unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40},
+ residual/.style={draw, rectangle}
+ \node[observed] (y) {$Y$};
+ \node[unobserved, above=of y] (x) {$X$};
+ \node[observed, left=of x] (w) {$W$};
+% \node[unobserved, above=of w] (k) {$K$};
+ \node[observed,right=of x] (z) {$Z$};
+% \node[residual,below=of y] (e) {$\varepsilon$};
+% \node[residual,below=of w] (xi) {$\xi$};
+ \draw[->] (z) to (y);
+ \draw[->] (z) -- (x);
+ \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
+ \draw[->] (x) -- (w);
+% \draw[->] (y) -- (w);
+% \draw[->] (x) -- (xi);
+ % \draw[->] (w) -- (xi);
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-all: $(patsubst %.tex,%.svg,$(wildcard *.tex)) $(patsubst %.tex,%.png,$(wildcard *.tex))
-%.png: %.pdf
- convert -density 300 -transparent white $< $@
-%.svg: %.pdf
- /usr/bin/inkscape $< --export-plain-svg=$@
-%.pdf: %.tex
- latexmk -f -pdf $<
- latexmk -C *.tex
- rm -f *.tmp
- rm -f vc
- rm *.svg
-viewpdf: all
- evince *.pdf
- vc-git
-pdf: all
-.PHONY: clean all
+++ /dev/null
-\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows, }
- observed/.style={circle, draw},
- unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40},
- legend/.style={rectangle, draw},
- partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
- \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
- (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
- circle}
- ]
- \node[observed] (y) {Y};
-% \node[observed,above=of y, xshift=1cm] (r) {R};
- \node[partly observed={white}{gray!40}, above=of y] (x) {X};
- \node[observed, left=of x,xshift=-1] (w) {W};
- \node[unobserved, above=of w, xshift=1cm] (k) {K};
- \matrix [draw, below, yshift=-0.2cm, font=\small, align=center, column sep=2\pgflinewidth, inner sep=0.6em, outer sep=0em, nodes={align=center, anchor=center}] at (current bounding box.south){
- \node[observed,label=right:observed] {}; \\
- \node[unobserved,label=right:unobserved]{}; \\
- };
- \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
- \draw[->] (x) -- (w);
- \draw[-] (k) -- (x);
- \draw[->] (k) -- (w);
--- /dev/null
+\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows}
+ observed/.style={circle, draw},
+ partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
+ \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
+ (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
+ circle},
+ unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40},
+ residual/.style={draw, rectangle}
+ \node[observed] (y) {$Y$};
+ \node[unobserved, above=of y] (x) {$X$};
+ \node[observed, left=of x] (w) {$W$};
+ \node[observed,right=of x] (z) {$Z$};
+ \draw[->] (z) to (y);
+ \draw[->] (z) -- (x);
+ \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
+ \draw[->] (x) -- (w);
+ \draw[->] (x) to (y);
+ \draw[->] (y) -- (w);
+ \draw[->] (y) -- (w);
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-all: $(patsubst %.tex,%.svg,$(wildcard *.tex)) $(patsubst %.tex,%.png,$(wildcard *.tex))
-%.png: %.pdf
- convert -density 300 -transparent white $< $@
-%.svg: %.pdf
- /usr/bin/inkscape $< --export-plain-svg=$@
-%.pdf: %.tex
- latexmk -f -pdf $<
- latexmk -C *.tex
- rm -f *.tmp
- rm -f vc
- rm *.svg
-viewpdf: all
- evince *.pdf
- vc-git
-pdf: all
-.PHONY: clean all
+++ /dev/null
-\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows}
- observed/.style={circle, draw},
- partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
- \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
- (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
- circle},
- unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40}
- ]
- \node[observed] (y) {Y};
- \node[observed,above=of y, xshift=1cm] (r) {R};
- \node[partly observed={white}{gray!40}, left=of r] (x) {X};
- \node[observed, left=of x] (w) {W};
- \node[unobserved, above=of w, xshift=1cm] (k) {K};
- \matrix [draw, below, yshift=-0.2cm, font=\small, align=center, column sep=2\pgflinewidth, inner sep=0.6em, outer sep=0em, nodes={align=center, anchor=center}] at (current bounding box.south){
- \node[observed,label=right:observed] {}; \\
- \node[unobserved,label=right:unobserved]{}; \\
- };
- \draw[->] (r) -- (y);
- \draw[->] (r) -- (x);
- \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
- \draw[->] (x) -- (w);
- \draw[->] (k) -- (x);
- \draw[->] (k) -- (w);
--- /dev/null
+\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows}
+ observed/.style={circle, draw},
+ partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
+ \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
+ (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
+ circle},
+ unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40},
+ residual/.style={draw, rectangle}
+ \node[unobserved] (y) {$Y$};
+ \node[observed, above=of y] (x) {$X$};
+ \node[observed, left=of x] (w) {$W$};
+% \node[unobserved, above=of w] (k) {$K$};
+ \node[observed,right=of x] (z) {$Z$};
+% \node[residual,below=of y] (e) {$\varepsilon$};
+ % \node[residual,below=of w] (xi) {$\xi$};
+ \draw[->] (z) to (y);
+ \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
+ \draw[->] (y) -- (w);
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows}
- observed/.style={circle, draw},
- partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
- \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
- (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
- circle},
- unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40}
- ]
- \node[observed] (y) {Y};
-% \node[observed,above=of y, xshift=1cm] (r) {R};
- \node[partly observed={white}{gray!40}, above = of y] (x) {X};
- \node[observed, left=of x] (w) {W};
- \node[unobserved, above=of w, xshift=1cm] (k) {K};
- \node[unobserved, right=of k] (u) {U};
-% \draw[->] (r) -- (y);
-% \draw[->] (r) -- (x);
- \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
- \draw[->] (x) -- (w);
- \draw[->] (x) -- (k);
- \draw[->] (k) -- (w);
- \draw[->] (u) to [out=270,in=30] (y);
- \draw[->] (u) -- (k);
- \matrix [draw, below, yshift=-0.2cm, inner sep=0.6em, outer sep=0em, nodes={align=center, anchor=center}] at (current bounding box.south){
- \node[observed,label=right:observed] {}; \\
- \node[unobserved,label=right:unobserved]{}; \\
- };
--- /dev/null
+\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows}
+ observed/.style={circle, draw},
+ partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
+ \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
+ (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
+ circle},
+ unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40},
+ residual/.style={draw, rectangle}
+ \node[unobserved] (y) {$Y$};
+ \node[observed={white}{gray!40}, above=of y] (x) {$X$};
+ \node[observed, left=of x] (w) {$W$};
+% \node[unobserved, above=of w] (k) {$K$};
+ \node[observed,right=of x] (z) {$Z$};
+% \node[residual,below=of y] (e) {$\varepsilon$};
+% \node[residual,below=of w] (xi) {$\xi$};
+ \draw[->] (x) -- (y);
+% \draw[->] (x) -- (w);
+ \draw[->] (y) -- (w);
+% \draw[->] (k) -- (w);
+ \draw[->] (z) -- (y);
+% \draw[->] (z) -- (k);
+% \draw[->] (y) -- (xi);
+% \draw[->] (w) -- (xi);
--- /dev/null
+\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, arrows, shadows}
+ observed/.style={circle, draw},
+ partly observed/.style 2 args={draw, fill=#2, path picture={
+ \fill[#1, sharp corners] (path picture bounding box.south west) -|
+ (path picture bounding box.north east) -- cycle;},
+ circle},
+ unobserved/.style={draw, circle, fill=gray!40},
+ residual/.style={draw, rectangle}
+ \matrix [draw, below, font=\small, align=center, column sep=2\pgflinewidth, inner sep=0.4em, outer sep=0em, nodes={align=center, anchor=center}] at (current bounding box.south){
+ \node[observed,label=right:observed] {}; \\
+ \node[unobserved,label=right:automatically classified]{}; \\
+ \node[residual,label=right:error term]{}; \\
+ };
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit b135cac19e336001401d3ad533a12bdceab913ac