Along with [Claudia Müller-Birn]( from the [Freie Universtät Berlin](, I served as the *Program Chair* for OpenSym 2017. For the social scientists reading this, the role of program chair is similar to being an editor for a journal. My job was *not* to organize keynotes or logistics at the conference—that is the job of the General Chair. Indeed, in the end I didn't even attend the conference! Along with Claudia, my role as Program Chair was to recruit submissions, recruit reviewers, coordinate and manage the review process, make final decisions on papers, and ensure that everything makes it into the published proceedings in good shape.
Along with [Claudia Müller-Birn]( from the [Freie Universtät Berlin](, I served as the *Program Chair* for OpenSym 2017. For the social scientists reading this, the role of program chair is similar to being an editor for a journal. My job was *not* to organize keynotes or logistics at the conference—that is the job of the General Chair. Indeed, in the end I didn't even attend the conference! Along with Claudia, my role as Program Chair was to recruit submissions, recruit reviewers, coordinate and manage the review process, make final decisions on papers, and ensure that everything makes it into the published proceedings in good shape.