+ )
+In that block I first make a call to `group_by()` to tell R that I want it to run subsequent commands on the data "grouped" within the categories of `subject_race`. Then I pipe the grouped data to `summarize()`, which I use to calculate the number of stops within each group (in this data that's just the number of observations within each group) as well as the proportion of total stops within each group.
+What about counting up the number and proportion of searches within each group? One way to think about that is as another call to `summarize()` (since, after all, I want to calculate the summary information for searches within the same groups). Within the Tidyverse approach to things, this kind of summarizing within groups and within another variable (`search_conducted` in this case) can be accomplished with the `across()` function.
+In general, the `across()` function seems to usually be made within a call to another verb like `summarize()` or `mutate()`. The syntax for `across()` is similar to these others. It requires two things: (1) at least one variable to summarize across (`search_conducted` here) and (2) the outputs I want.
+In this particular case, I'll use it to calculate the within group sums of `search_conducted`. Notice that I also filter out the missing values from `search_conducted` before I call `summarize` here.
+```{r }
+ilstops %>%
+ group_by(subject_race) %>%
+ filter(!is.na(subject_race), !is.na(search_conducted)) %>%
+ summarize(
+ across(search_conducted, sum)
+ )
+If I want `across()` to calculate more than one summary, I need to provide it a list of things (in a `name = value` format sort of similar to `summarize()` or `mutate()`).
+ilstops %>%
+ group_by(subject_race) %>%
+ filter(!is.na(subject_race) & !is.na(search_conducted)) %>%
+ summarize(