+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import requests
+from csv import DictReader
+import sqlite3
+gsheet_id = "1bfKljA7vw2V4yKrowxCPLdYaBrTzty5_O7msbuFw7Nc"
+gsheet_gid = "0"
+## this is the hardcoded project id
+project_id = 13
+## get the spreadsheet data
+axial_url = f"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{gsheet_id}/export?format=csv&id={gsheet_id}&gid={gsheet_gid}"
+rv = requests.get(axial_url)
+csv_text = rv.content.decode('utf-8')
+## connect to sqlite3
+con = sqlite3.connect('taguette-working.sqlite3')
+cur = con.cursor()
+## import taguette.database as tagdb
+## db = tagdb.connect("sqlite:////home/mako/taguette-snapshot-20210422-1.sqlite3")
+for row in DictReader(csv_text.splitlines(), delimiter=","):
+ #print(row)
+ tag_id = row['ID']
+ new_name = row['tag']
+ axial_code = row['Axial Codes']
+ sql_stmt_get = "SELECT id, path, description from TAGS where id = ? AND project_id = ?"
+ cur.execute(sql_stmt_get, (tag_id, project_id))
+ tag_info = cur.fetchall()
+ if len(tag_info) > 1:
+ print(f"ERROR: '{id}' is not unique, SKIPPING")
+ elif len(tag_info) == 0:
+ print(f"ERROR: 'tag with ID {id}' does not exist, SKIPPING")
+ else:
+ oldname = tag_info[0][1]
+ old_description = tag_info[0][2]
+ if row['Axial Codes']:
+ newname = row['Axial Codes'].lower() + "." + new_name.lower()
+ else:
+ newname = new_name.lower()
+ if not oldname == newname:
+ #print(tag_id)
+ sql_stmt_update = "UPDATE tags SET path = ? WHERE project_id = ? AND id = ?"
+ cur.execute(sql_stmt_update, (newname, project_id, tag_id))
+ print(f"UPDATE TAG: {oldname} → {newname}")
+ if row["description"].strip() != old_description.strip():
+ sql_stmt_update = "UPDATE tags SET description = ? WHERE project_id = ? AND id = ?"
+ cur.execute(sql_stmt_update, (row['description'], project_id, tag_id))
+ print(f"UPDATE DESC: {old_description} → {row['description']}")