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175 \title{Taboo and Collaborative Knowledge Production: Evidence from Wikipedia}
177 \author[Champion and Hill]{Kaylea Champion and Benjamin Mako Hill}
179 \institute[Universities]{University of Washington}
185 \newcommand{\credit}[1]{%
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193 \begin{textblock}{10}(2,0)
198 \includegraphics[width=8cm]{figures/uw_logo}
202 \begin{textblock}{90}(20,0)
207 %\column{0.05\linewidth}
208 %\column{.95\linewidth}
210 %{\Large \larger \noindent\textbf{{The Use of Anonymity to Resist Taboo: Evidence from Wikipedia}}}
211 {\Large \larger \noindent\textbf{Taboo and Collaborative Knowledge Production: Evidence from Wikipedia}}
223 \column{.5\linewidth}
225 \noindent\textbf{Kaylea Champion} \\ kaylea@uw.edu \\
227 \column{.5\linewidth}
229 \noindent Benjamin Mako Hill \\ makohill@uw.edu
239 \column{.5\linewidth}
241 Department of Communication
250 \begin{textblock}{2}(122,0)
251 \includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{figures/logo}
257 \TPGrid[1cm,15.5cm]{12}{12}
259 \begin{textblock}{4}(0,-0.9)
260 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{Summary}}
262 \e{Online information-seekers are highly interested in knowledge about taboo subjects. But does taboo inhibit the volunteers producing that information?} Often it does not---and when it does, not always in the ways you might think! \\
265 \e{We hypothesized that:}
266 % Studies of taboo often focus on censorship. However,
267 %We find that Wikipedia articles about taboo topics are popular and high quality relative to other articles, despite receiving high levels of damaging contributions. Although we hypothesize that stigma will cause contributors to taboo subjects to seek to be less identifiable, and although our results are consistent with this proposal across several different measures, we surprisingly find that contributors make themselves more identifiable by specifying their gender.
270 % Our further analysis will explore if and how anonymity plays a role in the successful production of valuable taboo knowledge.
276 %\begin{textblock}{4}(0,2.0)
277 %\begin{block}{\rule[-.5ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{Hypotheses}}
282 \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{figures/taboo topics hypotheses.jpg}
290 \begin{textblock}{4}(0,6.8)
291 \begin{block}{\rule[-.5ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{Setting: \textit{Wikipedia} and \textit{Wiktionary}}}
293 With billions of viewers, Wikipedia is one of the top ten most visited sites on the Internet. Wiktionary is a sister project to Wikipedia, focused on the creation of a dictionary.
294 % Broad cooperation has allowed these free and open projects to flourish.
299 \begin{textblock}{4}(0,9.2)
300 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{H1: Taboo subjects are popular}}
304 \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{figures/viewsBox.pdf}
305 \caption{Rank of articles in our sample versus all articles with dictionary salience. The most popular article is ranked ``1''.}
311 \begin{textblock}{4}(8,-0.9)
312 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\centering\textbf{A New Computational Method for Identifying Taboo Subjects}}
318 Inspired by findings in linguistics that people use euphemism to discuss taboo subjects, we used word sense tags in Wiktionary.
320 Definitions tagged with euphemistic usages were marked as taboo. We extracted all n-grams from Wiktionary and then used TFIDF and ridge regression to identify n-grams highly indicative of taboo.
326 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/member.png}
328 \caption{The Wiktionary definition of ``member''---which has meanings ranging from the organizational to the anatomical.}
329 \label{fig:wiktEntry}
333 %\e{Wikipedia articles vary widely: from biographies and books to concepts and cultures---what is a reasonable comparison sample?}
336 To develop a comparison sample, we filtered the population of articles to just those that correspond to n-grams present in Wiktionary. We think of this as articles that have a ``dictionary salience''---topics it makes sense to discuss in a dictionary definition.
343 \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{figures/V2 Taboo Topics Analytical Pipeline.pdf}
344 \caption{Our analytical pipeline first extracts n-grams, labeling them taboo if they are drawn from definitions tagged as euphemistic. Our samples are drawn from those articles that match these n-grams.} \label{fig:pipeline}
350 \begin{textblock}{4}(4,-0.9)
351 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{H2: Taboo subjects receive many contributions}}
355 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figures/volumeBox.pdf}
356 \caption{Taboo articles receive more contributions than comparable articles.}
357 \label{fig:volumeBox}
365 \begin{textblock}{4}(4,5.2)
366 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{H4: Articles on taboo subjects are high quality}}
370 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figures/boxQualitySrc.pdf}
371 \caption{Articles about taboo subjects exceed the quality of our comparison set.}
372 \label{fig:ageGrowth}
380 \begin{textblock}{4}(4,2.1)
381 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{H3: Taboo subjects get attacked}}
385 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figures/damageRate.pdf}
386 \caption{The rate of damaging contributions to taboo subjects is higher.}
392 \begin{textblock}{4}(4,8.2)
393 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{H5: Contributors to taboo subjects are less identifiable in some dimensions....but not others!}}
394 Editors of taboo subjects are less likely to use an account, have less experience, and have shorter user pages, although these differences are small. However, contrary to our expectations, they're more likely to make themselves emailable and more likely to disclose their gender---in fact, they are \textbf{more} likely to identify themselves as female.
398 %\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
399 \includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{figures/mailProp.pdf}
401 %\end{minipage}\hfill
402 %\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
404 \includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{figures/genderProp.pdf}
405 %\end{minipage}\hfill
411 \begin{textblock}{12}(0,14.8)
412 % \small{\textit{ICA 2022}, Paris, France\\}
413 \small{We are grateful for support from the NSF}\\
414 \small{CNS-1703736 and CNS-1703049}
420 \begin{textblock}{4}(8,8.6)
421 \begin{block}{\rule[-0.3ex]{0pt}{2.2ex}\textbf{Some Taboo Subjects We Identified}}
425 %The following is a selection of n-grams that rated highly in our classifier as indicators of taboo (we have omitted racial/ethnic slurs, explicit sexual acts, and profanity in this table but included them in our dataset):
431 \begin{tabular}{l l }
432 Sex differences in human physiology & Love God \\
433 Cat meat & Genitourinary system \\
434 Gastrointestinal tract & Damnation \\
435 Alive and Dead & Old Age \\
436 Monosodium glutamate & Being Bobby Brown \\
437 Abdominal Obesity & Feral cat \\
438 Amazon Women on the Moon & Menstruation \\
439 Love and God & Layoff \\
440 Mental disorder & Unemployment \\
441 Head on Collision & Vulva \\
443 \caption{A selection of articles from our taboo dataset. We have omitted racial/ethnic slurs, explicit sexual acts, and profanity in this table but included them in our dataset.}
444 %\label{tab:tabooArticles}
454 \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
455 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/boxLengthSrc.png}
457 \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
458 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/boxContribSrc.png}