3 from collections import defaultdict
4 from datetime import datetime
5 from random import choices
7 from csv import DictReader
14 def __init__ (self, course = ''):
16 self.today = str(datetime.date(datetime.now()))
17 # how much less likely should it be that a student is called upon?
19 self.__set_filenames()
22 def __set_filenames(self):
24 self.__fn_studentinfo = f"data/{self.course}/student_information.tsv"
25 self.__fn_daily_calllist = f"data/{self.course}/call_list-{self.today}.tsv"
26 self.__fn_daily_attendance = f"data/{self.course}/attendance-{self.today}.tsv"
28 def __load_prev_questions(self):
29 previous_questions = defaultdict(int)
31 for fn in listdir(f"./data/{self.course}/"):
32 if re.match("call_list-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.tsv", fn):
33 with open(f"./data/{self.course}/{fn}", 'r') as f:
34 for row in DictReader(f, delimiter="\t"):
35 if not row["answered"] == "FALSE":
36 previous_questions[row["discord_name"]] += 1
38 return previous_questions
40 def __get_preferred_name(self, selected_student):
41 # translate the discord name into the preferred students name,
42 # if possible, otherwise return the discord name
45 with open(self.__fn_studentinfo, 'r') as f:
46 for row in DictReader(f, delimiter="\t"):
47 preferred_names[row["discord_name"]] = row["name"]
49 if selected_student in preferred_names:
50 return preferred_names[selected_student]
54 def __select_student_from_list (self, students_present):
55 prev_questions = self.__load_prev_questions()
57 # created a weighted list by starting out with everybody 1
58 weights = {s : 1 for s in students_present}
60 for s in students_present:
61 for i in range(0, prev_questions[s]):
62 # reduce the weight by a factor of 1/weight each time the student has been called upon
63 weights[s] = weights[s] / self.weight
65 # choose one student from the weighted list
67 return choices(list(weights.keys()), weights=list(weights.values()), k=1)[0]
69 def __record_attendance(self, students_present):
70 # if it's the first one of the day, write it out
71 if not os.path.exists(self.__fn_daily_attendance):
72 with open(self.__fn_daily_attendance, "w") as f:
73 print("\t".join(["timestamp", "attendance_list"]), file=f)
75 # open for appending the student
76 with open(self.__fn_daily_attendance, "a") as f:
77 print("\t".join([str(datetime.now()),
78 ",".join(students_present)]),
81 def __record_coldcall(self, selected_student):
82 # if it's the first one of the day, write it out
83 if not os.path.exists(self.__fn_daily_calllist):
84 with open(self.__fn_daily_calllist, "w") as f:
85 print("\t".join(["discord_name", "timestamp", "answered", "assessment"]), file=f)
87 # open for appending the student
88 with open(self.__fn_daily_calllist, "a") as f:
89 print("\t".join([selected_student, str(datetime.now()),
90 "MISSING", "MISSING"]), file=f)
92 def coldcall(self, students_present):
93 selected_student = self.__select_student_from_list(students_present)
95 # record the called-upon student in the right place
96 self.__record_attendance(students_present)
97 self.__record_coldcall(selected_student)
99 preferred_name = self.__get_preferred_name(selected_student)
101 coldcall_message = f"{preferred_name} (@{selected_student}), you're up!"
103 coldcall_message = f"@{selected_student}, you're up!"
104 return coldcall_message
106 def update_course(self, course_name):
107 self.course = course_name
108 self.__set_filenames()
112 # test_student_list = ["jordan", "Kristen Larrick", "Madison Heisterman", "Maria.Au20", "Laura (Alia) Levi", "Leona Aklipi", "anne", "emmaaitelli", "ashleylee", "allie_partridge", "Tiana_Cole", "Hamin", "Ella Qu", "Shizuka", "Ben Baird", "Kim Do", "Isaacm24", "Sam Bell", "Courtneylg"]
113 # print(cc.coldcall(test_student_list))
115 # test_student_list = ["jordan", "Kristen Larrick", "Mako"]
116 # print(cc.coldcall(test_student_list))
118 # test_student_list = ["jordan", "Kristen Larrick"]
119 # print(cc.coldcall(test_student_list))