]> code.communitydata.science - coldcallbot-discord.git/shortlog
2021-01-10 Jeremy FooteI added a network game to the bot. Need to refactor... foote_spring_2021
2020-12-30 Jeremy FooteAdding support for classes which each use their own...
2020-12-30 Nathan TeBlunthuisExplain how to configure the bot with discord.
2020-12-29 Benjamin Mako... added case grades subdirectory to gitignore
2020-12-29 Benjamin Mako... added placeholder readme file
2020-12-29 Benjamin Mako... reminder to create subdirectories
2020-12-29 Benjamin Mako... renamed the README file
2020-12-29 Benjamin Mako... rearrange the repository for publication
2020-12-23 Benjamin Mako... updated with final participation grades (
2020-11-10 Benjamin Mako... don't count missing questions as asked
2020-11-10 Benjamin Mako... don't count folks who were missing
2020-11-10 Benjamin Mako... added code to compute /days/ present or absent
2020-10-28 Benjamin Mako... ignore png files being generated
2020-10-28 Benjamin Mako... updated participation graphing
2020-10-15 Benjamin Mako... simple R script to track participation
2020-10-12 Benjamin Mako... fix typo in the attendance... :P
2020-10-12 Benjamin Mako... code to track enrolled students and who is missing
2020-10-08 Benjamin Mako... read student information using DictReader
2020-10-08 Benjamin Mako... make the bot script executable
2020-10-05 Benjamin Mako... initial version of colcall bot

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